Chapter 39 - A Human In The Forest!

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Aizawa walked around town with Tora in his scarf.

'Ah! I can smell the forest from here. I wonder how Kion's doing...' Tora thought.

Suddenly, Aizawa stopped walking. Confused, Tora looked at her human. 'Geez. He's deep in his thoughts again. Just tell someone what's on your mind, would you?' She pawed his cheek.

"Oh... sorry, Tora. Let's... sit down for a bit." Aizawa spotted a bench in a park near where he was. He took out what was supposed to be his breakfast and ate it.

Tora watched and sighed. 'What got him so... out of it...?'

Aizawa finished his food and kept thinking.

'Oh, come on! I can't watch this any longer!' Tora jumped out of Aizawa's scarf and ran.

"H-hey! Tora, where are you going?!" Aizawa ran after her, surprised.

'Good, he's following me. I can follow the forest's scent. Izuku will be there, then he can talk to him.'

Aizawa thought about catching her with his scarf. 'No. I could accidentally hurt her. God dammit, Tora!'

Tora ran in the forest with Aizawa still following her.

'What is she doing? The forest is dangerous!' Aizawa thought, keeping up with her. He knows it's not a good idea to go into a forest, but he doesn't want to lose his cat.

Tora finally stopped on a clearing.

"I finally got you." Aizawa picked up the little kitten. "What are you doing? This place is dangerous! Let's go back to-" He looked around, realizing he doesn't know where he is. 'Dammit, now I'm lost.'

He heard the bushes make some noise. He looked at them, holding Tora protectively in his arms.


"See you guys later." Kion said, walking out to patrol.

"Yeah. We'll be near the river. There's more room there to test the combinations." Izuku told him.

"Alright. See you then."

Patrol in the forest is not hard. There's a few animals that needed help with simple stuff and Kion was glad to help. Of course there are some harder ones like when an animal is stuck under a big, heavy rock, or when a current of a river carries an animal.

They were pretty much done with their daily patrol when Angga spoke up. "Kion, there's a human!"

"Of course there is a human, Angga. Izuku lives here."

"No, it's not Izuku. The human is much bigger than him."

"What? Is it a hunter?"

"I'm not sure. It appears that he's alone. He's in a clearing over there." She points to where she saw the human.

"Alright... Angga, get Izuku. He knows about humans more than any of us. He's near the river. Get him to where the human is. I'm going to investigate." Kion ordered.

"On it." Angga flew away.

"The rest of you, come with me." Kion led the rest of the group.


"Izuku, Kion needs your help!" Angga said when she spotted Izuku.

"Huh? What's going on?" Izuku asked.

"There's a human in the forest. Kion is investigating."

"What?! Lead me there." Izuku said, putting on his Meian outfit. He was glad he always wore his belt.

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