Chapter 80 - Kacchan And Deku

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Izuku was strolling around the city in the morning after he went to Shouta and Hizashi's house to give them their food.

It was quite busy. People were out and about, doing their own things. Nothing really stands out to the eyes of the boy. Except for maybe the spiky blond hair that belongs to his childhood friend.

'Hmm? He's wearing a different uniform. Oh yeah. We're supposed to be in middle school now. Guess I could follow him.' He smiled.

Izuku followed Katsuki and after a while, they reached the school.

'Aldera Junior High... not... a popular school, huh. I thought Kacchan would want to be in a more popular one.' He looked around. 'The security isn't that tight either.' He sighed.

He sneaked in the gates. Not surprisingly, it is very easy to do. He heard the bell rang for class to begin. 'Well, time to see what class Kacchan is in.'

He looked through every window, observing the halls, the cafeteria, the classes, and the students and teachers. He memorized and mapped the school in his mind.

Soon enough, the bell rang, signaling break time. He observed Bakugou going outside to have his break, and two others following him. 'He doesn't seem to like having them on his back...'

He put on his Meian outfit just to be safe. Then he followed the three outside.


"Can you extras just fuck off?! I-"

"Geez, Katsuki. If you keep acting like that you're gonna be a villain rather than a hero." One of the guys cut him off.

'Oh, you're gonna get blown for that.' Meian thought to himself, looking at Bakugou. 'Hmm? Why isn't he doing anything? Why isn't he defending himself??'

"Yeah, Katsuki. Now that I think about it, your quirk also fits perfectly. Hey, what's his villain name gonna be? Murder Exploder?" The other one responded.

"Oh, I know! King Murderer!"

Meian kept watching as the two goons bullied his childhood friend, and he just stood still, not defending himself, not doing anything.

'Where... where's the Kacchan I know?' Meian felt his tears start to form.


Meian left the school, wondering what happened to his friend. He walked mindlessly, letting his feet take control of where he goes.


He heard his name and looked at the person who called him.

"Hiza?" He blinked, and looked around. 'Huh... his radio station...'

"What are you doing here? You alright there? Something on your mind?"

"Yeah, actually..."

"Wanna talk about it? I just finished, so I have some free time."

"It's umm... it's about bullying. I saw a friend of mine get bullied."

"Oh, that's not good. You know, Shouta used to get bullied because of his quirk. You may think his quirk is amazing and all, I know I do, but in the past, this one guy won't leave him alone. Saying he's better off a villain."

"What did he do to stop him?"

"Well, he showed him wrong, of course! He's a hero now, isn't he?"

"Well... yeah, but what did he do before he became a hero?"

"He... has the support of his friends." Hizashi smiled.

Meian thought back to Bakugou. 'He went out alone, only to be followed by those two. No one else seems to care. Does he not have any friends?'

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