Chapter 61 - Weapon Lessons

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"This is the edge of their territory, where you'll be watching from." Meian told the two adults.

"Oh my gosh! Shou, look. They're drinking!" Hizashi squealed. "I've never been this close to wild lions. This is amazing!"

Meian looked at the drinking lions. "They don't even know we're here." He giggled. "Watch this, guys. It's gonna be funny."

'What are you planning now...?' Aizawa wondered to himself.

Meian sneaked behind Dexter. 'He doesn't even know I'm here.'

"Oh my God, Shou. He's crazy! He's gonna be eaten!" Hizashi got nervous.

"I think he knows what he's doing. Just calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down when you yourself aren't calm, you hypocrite."

Meian got right behind Dexter and surprised him by touching his bum. Dexter was so startled that he jumped into the waterhole. Meian was laughing at the soaked lion when Nayla tackled him.

"Who are you?!" She growled.

"Hey, my girl. It's just me. I'm wearing a mask to not let my guests see my identity."


"Yep. I'm back early, huh?"

Nayla flopped down on him. "I thought you're an enemy..."

"It's alright, girl. Nice tackle though." He petted her head.

"Izuku, you scared me..." Dexter swam out. He shook the water off of him, making Izuku wet also. "Hahah. Payback."

"What guest made you wanna hide your face? Are they bad people?" Nayla grew suspicious.

Dexter gasped. "Are... are they gonna hurt us?"

Nayla followed the gasp. "I'll hurt them first! Nobody hurts my family!"

"No, no. They're not gonna hurt you. Calm down, you guys. They're nowhere to be seen."

"Alright, if you say so." The two lions calmed down.

Izuku giggled. "I have a guest for you guys. She's gonna teach you to fight." He called out Tora.

"She's gonna teach us to fight? But she's so small..." Nayla pointed out. "Smaller than me."

"Don't underestimate her, guys. Did you know she was once a tiger? She's the one who taught Kion all the skills he got." Meian stated, but he saw the unsure faces of the two. "She pinned me down once... and that was when she's smaller than she is now." He whispered.

That got the attention of the two cubs and they quickly agreed to let Tora teach them.

"Wow, you really do have your way with them." Tora complimented as she thought of ways for them to train. "How about you show me how fast you can run first? Izuku, you'll be running and they will try to catch you."

"Okay. Are you guys ready?" He asked the two lions.

After they both nodded, Meian immediately ran around the territory.


"Woah, Meian runs fast. Is this how he always gets away from you in the early days?" Hizashi teased Aizawa.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, before the whole deal thing. You were trying to capture him."

"Oh. Uh... I think he was much slower than now back then. He definitely improved."

"Hah?! He's faster? Much faster? Then... were you not trying to capture him?"

Aizawa thought of it. 'What did I do...? I know I was trying to capture him. Why couldn't I? Was I distracted? By what?' He couldn't remember. So he answered, "I guess not."

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