Chapter 34 - Aizawa's Surprise

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Aizawa woke up as usual and went out of his room. He wanted to make his usual morning coffee before he went to UA, but he saw a sandwich and a coffee already made on the table. 'Oh, right... Meian is here...'

"Good morning, Aizawa. I made you breakfast." Meian greeted him.

"Morning." Aizawa remembered what he overheard last night. "Meian..."


"How did you sleep last night?" Aizawa asked as he sat on the chair.

"I slept great!" Meian answered with a smile. "How about you? How was the patrol? Got any bad guys?"

'Problem child... don't lie. I overheard you talking at two in the morning.' Aizawa hid his frown well. "Got a few. Just some thugs." He ate the sandwich that was prepared for him. He felt the cheese melt on his tongue. 'This is good! How did he make this with such simple ingredients??"

"Oh, I made you lunch as well. It's just a simple omelet though."

"You don't have to..."

"And just let you eat instant noodles?? No way. I'm going to make you food everyday from now on. Whether you like it or not." Meian glared at him, then smiled. "Besides, instant noodles aren't healthy. You're only supposed to eat it once a month." He went on full parent mode.

Aizawa snorted. "Who made that rule?"

"Isn't it? My mother used to say that... or is it just for me? Anyway, it just isn't healthy."

Tora walked in looking very sleepy.

"Tora, Good morning." Meian put her bowl of food down.

"Morning, Izuku..." She yawned.

Meian smiled. "Aizawa, you should get ready for work."

"Y-yeah..." Aizawa got up and went to his room to get ready. 'Maybe I should bring Meian with me...'


Meian gives Aizawa his packed lunch as he's leaving. "I'll see you when you get back. Have fun."

"Actually Meian, do you want to come with me?"

"Hmm? Why do you suddenly ask?"

"Since I said no to patrol last night, maybe you want to go out?"

"Nah, I'm good. I won't leave if that's what you're worried about. I'll be here playing with Yua and Tora."

"Oh... alright."

"See you later."

Aizawa left and Meian closed the door. As soon as the door clicked close, Meian dropped to the floor. 'I'm tired...'

He sighed. 'Everest, I'm in Eraserhead's house. I'm alright. Just really tired. I hope you're all doing alright as well. I wish I knew when I could come home. The food I prepared for you is probably already gone, right? It's been more than a week after all.'

Tora walked to Izuku worried. "Izuku, why are you on the floor?!"

"I'm alright, girl. Don't worry. I'm just really tired."

"You should go to bed then to sleep..."

Izuku stood to get to the bed, but failed. In the end, he just about manages to reach the carpet.


"Sorry, Tora. I'll just sleep here if you don't mind..."

Tora curled by his neck, joining him. "I'll stay by your side..." she said, but Izuku was already asleep.

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