Chapter 57 - Memories

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Izuku watched as Morana tried to remember how to hunt to teach Dexter. She was in that circus for so long that she forgot how to hunt.

"Kion, you remember how your mom taught you how to hunt, right? Think you can reteach Morana? Maybe teach Dexter too." Izuku asked Kion.

"Me?! I... I've never taught anyone before... I'm not sure I can..."

"Why can't Everest do it? He's an expert hunter, and he can teach!" Basil asked. "He taught me the basics and I just adapted it with my speed."

"True, but tigers and lions have a more similar way to hunt than wolves." Izuku explained.

"That's right. Oh, teach them how to defend themselves too. You remember what Kaiya said, right? They have to know how to protect themselves." Addison added.

"I... I don't know, guys..." Kion's ears drooped.

"We'll be there with you. Just remember how Nala used to teach you. I'm sure you can do it." Izuku petted him.

"Thanks, Izuku."


After Izuku trained with Locco's fire control and made progress on the rusty swords, he also practiced aiming with the gun. Then, he went to check on the lions again. Kion was already there, talking with them.

"Hey, Izuku." Kion greeted him.

"Hey. Ready to learn to hunt again, Morana?" He asked the lioness.

"You're going to teach me to hunt?" Morana seemed surprised.

"Huh? No. Kion is. I thought you already told them, Kion."

"I... didn't."

"You'll do great. I've seen Nala train you. I could supervise and point out some stuff I notice."

"Y-yeah. Okay... first is... umm... speed. Mom told me to run around our training area. Why don't you run around this field?"

"As fast as I can?" Morana asked.

"As fast as you can." Kion confirms.

Morana did as she was told and ran around as fast as she could, which Izuku noticed... wasn't that fast. Kion seemed to notice that too.

'Well, can't really blame her... she was stuck in that cage for who knows how long.'

Izuku looked at Kion. "Just encourage her to do her best. Let this one be a starter. If she gets faster, even for just a second, compliment her." Kion nodded, understanding.

"You want to try too, Dexter? I bet you'll do great. Your mom said you have great instincts, right?" Izuku asked Dexter.

Dexter smiled and nodded.

"What do you think you'll need to hunt?"

"Umm... speed. That's why Kion is telling mom to run."

"Good. What else do you think you'll need?"

"Umm... if I just show up, the prey would just run away. I'll need... stealth?"

"Good job, Dexter."

"You forgot. First thing to do is actually tracking where the prey is." Kion recalled his mother saying that.

"Oh, yeah... that makes sense. I'll need to know how to attack as well... if I don't, how will I get my prey, right?"

"Wow, you have a great mind, Dexter."

"Just like a king?"

Izuku chuckled. "Just like a king." He ruffled his still growing mane. "Now, try to catch me!" He ran around the whole field. Dexter chased him.

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