Chapter 69 - Settling In

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Rain has been settling well with her new family. She got along well with Hikari and Yoru, who are similar to her as having a quirk.

Nayla wouldn't stop talking about Izuku and bragging about him to Rain. It was obvious the pride loves their human member.

With Dexter, she talked about her fighting skills. He said it would be useful the next time it was 'feeding day' as Izuku would call it.

She hangs out with Morana the most though. She had told her about her insecurities and was comfortable with it.

Every single member of the pride thought of her as their mother. Rain couldn't help but agree. Morana was really a mother figure to all of them. She had felt and experienced it when she first came to the pride.

Morana seems to be less active though, today. Rain didn't really mind. She just enjoys talking with her, even if she doesn't feel like moving around. She'd thought it was just a lazy day for her. Lions have those days, so she ignored it.

But then, she grew less and less active, and her breathing was heavier, she noticed. She knew what was going to happen, and it's going to happen sooner than she wanted it to.

"Rain, what's wrong, dear? You look upset." Morana asked, still laying down while looking at her.

"You're going sooner than I want you to... please... don't leave me yet. I've only just met you recently, but it feels like I've known you for years." She laid her head under hers.

Morana chuckled. "In all honesty, I think I've lived longer than I should have. Thought I'd be gone a few weeks after I was rescued."

"Don't say that! You still have a long way to go, Rana..." Rain pleaded. "You're a mother figure. They still need you... I still need you."

"I'm sorry, dear. I can't really control mother nature." She paused. "They'll need your experience with grief, Rain. I'm going to go sooner or later."

"I'd rather you'd go later... Who would listen to my rants like you do?"

Morana smiled. "You could always go to Izuku, dear. Believe it or not, I've rented to him about my thoughts and my past to him, just like you do to me. He's a good listener, if I do say so myself."

"Maybe so... but he won't always be here... like you."

"You could always tell him that. I'm sure he will come up with a solution." Morana tried to comfort the sad lioness, but it didn't seem to work. "Rain, it will be alright. Everything will be alright. Even when I'm gone, I'll still live within everyone's memories."

Morana smiled, remembering her conversation with Izuku about memories. "Now I just remembered that conversation." She chuckled. "Good times... Izuku told me he rescued me also because he wants me to make good memories. I guess it's not just for me, it's also for those around me. I'll be alive within the memories of the Hakuna Gereza Pride. So don't you worry, Rain."

Rain finally smiled. "I love you, Rana."

"Love you too, dear."


Izuku knew it was gonna happen soon when one day he just saw Morana laying on the ground like she had no energy. In all honesty, he doesn't think she has the energy.

So he sat next to her, and gently petted her. "How are you doing, Morana?"

"Could be better, but I suppose it's not gonna be." She responded. "Didn't you... had someone taken away from you? Before it was time? If I remember... She was a tiger?"

"Yeah... her name was Nala. She reincarnated into a cat. Remember the tiny cat that was here once? That's her."

"I'm sorry if this is rude to ask, but... what did you do to the body? Did you give it to the hyenas? Or perhaps the vultures?"

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