Chapter 44 - Family

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The knife was thrown, slicing the rope. Meian swiftly got under the kid, reaching out his hands to catch him. He had caught the boy. 'Oh thank God I sharpen the knife often.' He was trembling, holding the unconscious boy in his arms. He felt around his neck and wrist, hoping to feel his pulse. When he found it, he sighed in relief. 'He must have gone through shock to be unconscious...'

He sat down and rested his head upon a tree, still holding the boy. 'I need to calm down. I'm still trembling.' He took a deep breath and slowly let it out. 'Everest? I might be a little longer.'

'Did something happen? We can sense you're near.' He is so thankful for his quirk.

'Well... I just saved a boy from hanging himself... and I need to calm down myself too.'

'Hang on. Tucker needs to hear this. He could help.'

'Izuku, are you alright?' He heard Tucker.

'I'm fine. Trembling, but fine. The boy is unconscious though.'

'Oh, dear. Is he hurt anywhere?'

'Not that I can see. The rope is still looped around his neck though and I don't like that.'

'Can you try taking it off?'

'Damn, this knot is a dead knot. Oh, wait! He's waking up!'

The boy opened his eyes and stared blankly at Meian. "Hey, are you alright?" Meian asked, but that seemed to be a wrong move since the boy's eyes started tearing up.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. You're safe with me, alright? You're safe." Meian hugged the boy as he sobbed. Meian rubbed the boy's back in an attempt to calm him down.

After a few minutes, the boy finally calmed down. "Hey, can I cut the rope around your neck please?" Meian asked.

The boy said nothing, but nodded. Meian looked around. "I threw my knife over there. Can you stand up?"

The boy nodded and stood. Meian was going to walk to get the knife when the boy grabbed his hand. With a smile, Meian held hands with the boy while getting his knife. "Stay still for a bit, yeah? I don't want to accidentally hurt you."

The boy nodded. Meian carefully cut the rope. "There. You're good to move." But the boy just stared at him, while Meian put his knife back in his belt. "W-why?" The boy spoke.


"Why didn't you ask why I did it?"

"Do you want to tell me? I feel like if you wanted to tell me, you would. I don't want to put pressure on you." The boy didn't answer. "What can I call you?" Meian asked.

The boy blinked. "My name is Samidare. Asui Samidare. Call me Sami."

"Okay, Sami-kun. You can call me Meian. Why don't we get out of this forest, huh? You were very brave coming here. It's dangerous, you know?"

The boy nodded.

Holding hands, Meian led Sami out of the forest. Once out, they sat on a bench. "Sami-kun, where's your family?"

"At home..."

"Do you want to go back to them?"

He didn't answer. 'Trouble with his family?' Meian thought.

"I... I want to tell you why."

Meian saw the boy clenched his fist. He put his hands over his. "Sami-kun, don't force yourself to talk, okay? Take your time."

"My sister was born a few months ago... me and my big sister always played together, but after she's born... she puts all her attention to taking care of her. I feel like she doesn't love me anymore..."

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