Chapter 45 - An Unforgettable Date

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"Hey, Shou. Let's go on a date on Sunday. I have a place in mind that you might like." Yamada said one evening.

"On Sunday? I can't." Aizawa bluntly said.

"Hee? Why not?"

"I'm gonna be busy."

"But it's Sunday!"

Aizawa thought about it. 'No. If I say I'm gonna be walking Tora, he'd wanna come.' Thinking of ways to avoid this, he finally settled on, "I'm going to be doing paperwork."

"So you'll be at home then?"

"Yes. Don't disturb me." He lied. He didn't want to lie to his boyfriend, but he had promised Meian to not say a thing about where and who he's living with. He'd rather not break a promise.


It was Sunday. Yamada got ready. He's going to Aizawa's. 'I know he said not to disturb him, but I'll just be in his house. I'm not going to disturb him. I'll just... play with the cats! Yeah. Shou usually does his paperwork in his room anyway. And after he's done, we could go to the cat cafe I know he's gonna love. Yeah! This is such a great idea!'

He walked to Aizawa's house. He was already near. Just walk straight and he'll be there. But then, he saw Aizawa walk out of his house. 'Wait... I thought he said he'll be home... Did he... lie? He lied to me? Why? It's not like him to lie. Not to me anyway. Maybe... maybe I should follow him.'

Yamada followed Aizawa. He was surprised he wasn't caught yet. He was pretty clumsy. 'Where is he going? Huh? Is that a forest? Why is he going into a forest?'

He saw Aizawa grab Tora from his scarf and put her down. 'Tora? Is he abandoning her? But why in a forest? It's dangerous... and full of bugs...'

Then he saw Aizawa going even deeper. 'What the- Shouta...' he doesn't want to go in. If he goes in, he will definitely see some bugs. But if he doesn't follow Aizawa, who knows what will happen?

He gathered all his courage. 'Okay... be brave... for Shou. You're doing this for Shou.'


"Alright guys, they're going to come any minute now. Let me just put on my vigilante costume." That was when he sensed Tora's small paws pitter-pattering on the ground and Aizawa following her. But he sensed another, behind Aizawa. 'Huh? Is someone following Aizawa?'

He looked at the pack. "Guys, is it just me, or is someone following Aizawa?"

"You sensed that too?" Everest and the others focused, and they sensed nervous footsteps.

"Okay, there's definitely someone following him. Let's go, guys."

Everest linked up all their minds as they went to investigate.

'Kion, Tucker, Noah, you go get Tora. Get her to the cave. The rest of you are with me. We're going to Aizawa and warn him of the follower.' Izuku commanded through the mind link.

As they were told, Kion, Tucker, and Noah went to get Tora. Everest, Wink, Locco, Basil, and Addison went with Izuku to Aizawa, who isn't far from Tora.

"Meian?" Aizawa was surprised to see him.

"No time to explain. Someone is following you."

"What? What about Tora?"

"The others will get her in. Don't worry. Follow Everest and Wink. They could lead you to the cave as well."

"No. I'm going with you."

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