Chapter 50 - A New Friend

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Harumi went to the daycare with her father. It was still in the morning and the meeting was in the afternoon, so Harumi helps her father with cleaning the daycare. It was a long week with lots of children. The dust is piling up.

When it's almost noon, Harumi went back to Akihiko's office and waited for Dabi to come.

"Papa, is Dabi coming soon?"

"He should be here in a few minutes."

As if on cue, a knock was heard. The door opens, revealing a man with lots of burn scars. Seeing this, Harumi froze beside her father.

"Good to see you again, Dabi."

"You too, sir."

"Please, call me Kanai. This is my daughter, Harumi." He introduces her. "Harumi?"

"P-papa... you didn't tell me he looks so scary..." she whispered.

"Hmm? Ah... Sorry... I look like a scary villain, don't I..." Touya sighed. "Maybe this is not the job for me after all..."

"Harumi, be polite now."


"Hi, Harumi. Sorry I scared you. You can call me Dabi." He waved and smiled.

'He's... not that scary when he smiles...'

"My daughter wanted to ask you some questions. Is that okay, Dabi?" Akihiko asked.

"Of course."

"Great! You two can go to that room. I still have more paperwork to do."

"Hee? You mean... I'm going to be interviewed by your daughter?"

"Is there a problem?" Harumi asked, putting on a brave face.

"N-no. It just... caught me off guard that's all. Let's go." Touya went to the room mentioned.

Harumi took a deep breath, following behind him.


Touya didn't know what to expect when he came back to the daycare. Maybe a rejection? Getting hired? Maybe he expected those two choices, but he certainly did not expect to be interviewed today. Much less by a child!

The girl looks nervous, but scary. He doesn't know why she looks scary. Maybe because she's the interviewer?

"Papa said you have a condition. What was it again?" The girl started.

"It... it was for everyone here to support the quirkless."

The girl glared at him. "Why is your skin mostly burnt?"

"Um... my quirk is to create-"

"So you have a quirk. Why do you want us to support the quirkless then?" She cut him off.

'Well that was rude...' Touya thought. 'Why? Because... Meian, the vigilante who saved me is quirkless, but I can't say that...'

"You're quiet. Does that mean you're lying?"

"No. I just have to find the answer first."

"Well? Have you found it?"

"Yes. There are two reasons, but I can only answer one for now. In my last work, there was a quirkless customer. He was treated so badly and I hate it. After that I went to search for a new job that supports the quirkless, or at least don't think bad of them..."

"Hmm... you could've just made that story up right now. What's your proof? Or maybe tell me the second reason?"

"Proof, huh... I wish I had one... but if I do, it would be humiliating for the boy. I'm sorry. For the second reason... I can only say that a quirkless person once saved me. This is how I want to repay him."

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