Chapter 49 - Getting Touya A New Job

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Izuku went on his laptop to search for the daycare that Akihiko owns. 'What's it called again? I think Harumi told me before... Yorihiko? Yamahiko? Wait no... last two syllables are kobi... Yo... Yoro... Yorokobi!! Yes! That's it!'

Izuku typed it in. 'Let's see... oh! It's actually not that far from Kacchan's school! And that's not far from where Touya lives as well! Oh, this is perfect!'

"Izuku, can we continue learning languages?"

Izuku turned from his laptop to face Addison. "Yep! I can tell Touya on Friday when I bring Hitoshi to Dagoba Beach Park."

"Oh yeah! You're teaching Hitoshi how to make things, aren't you? Can I-" Addison stopped herself. "Whoops... I almost said can I come... I know I can't. It just slipped out..."

Izuku laughed. "It's okay, Addy. I know you love learning and I love that about you. I can always teach you how to make stuff here if you want."

"Um... Izuku, I have paws, not hands." Addison said, lifting up her front paws.

"You're smart, Addy. You can figure out how to make them without hands."

Addison smiled.

"Now let's get to learning those languages, shall we?"


Friday soon came, and Meian was on his way to Touya's house. 'Time to give him the good news! I'm so excited!'

He passed by a jewelry store and saw a glimpse of bright yellow hair. 'Wait... was that...?' He looked back. 'It is! It's Yamada! But what is he doing there? Isn't he supposed to be teaching?'

He stayed for a while to spy on the blond man. He left the store with a disappointed face. 'Well... might as well make myself known...'

He sneaked behind him. "Hey! Yamada!"

"Aaa! M-Meian, you surprised me. Hi." He sighed a sigh of relief.

"Aren't you supposed to be at UA?"

"Oh... um... I finished all my classes."

"Really? It's only the afternoon though."

"Well I only have two classes today and they're all in the morning. So I might as well get out early unlike usual."

"Oh... okay." Meian nodded, understanding. "What were you doing in the jewelry store?"

Yamada's cheeks flushed red. "You... you saw that, huh..." he sighed. "Pretty sure you saw me being gutted too, didn't you."

"Gutted?! Uh... pretty sure I saw you being disappointed, but I don't think I see your organs out..."

Hearing that, Yamada burst into laughter.

"What? What's so funny?"

"N-nothing... just... you take that so literally... I meant it figuratively."

"Oh... Sorry. So... what were you searching for?"

"Oh... um... just a ring..."

"A ring?" It took awhile for it to click. "Oh. My. God. You're planning to propose to Aizawa!"

"Meian! Don't scream it for the world to hear! Besides, I ain't proposing anytime soon."

"I didn't. I was squealing. I can't scream when I squeal." He took a deep breath. "Guessing by your disappointed face earlier, you didn't find what you wanted?"

Yamada sighed again. "Even if I found what I want, I'm pretty sure Shou won't wear it..."

"Why not? He's never been asked to marry anyone before. How do you know?"

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