Chapter 73 - Unaccepted

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Naomasa arrived shortly after he received a location from Meian. He expected a criminal, but he said he'll be waiting for him? That was unusual. Usually he just texted the location and left. Not really the best way to hand villains out to the police, but it somehow works for him.

He found Meian curled up on the wall in the alley, the criminal right across him, tied up.

"Hey, Meian. You don't usually wait for me. What's up?"

"Hi, Nao. Don't usually wait? I always wait. I just don't show my face and leave when I know you've got the criminal taken care of."

Naomasa sighed. "So why the difference now?"

"Well, first of all, here." He gave him the powder. "He used it to make someone sleep. I don't really know what it is, so I stayed away from it."

"Alright, I'll take this to be investigated." He gave it to Sansa. "And second?"

Meian groaned. "I don't know what to do, Masa..."

Naomasa waited for further explanation while his team took the criminal away.

Meian took out the leftovers from what he'd received.

"What is all this?"

"This is all the stuff given to me today from the people I helped." He sighed. He then pointed at a wallet. "One of them gave me a full wallet, and I don't know what to do... The thing is FULL of money, Masa. Like, more than... a lot. I could buy three houses and still have more to spend, I don't know." He looked at the wallet like it's something illegal that he should stay away from.

Naomasa blinked. This was certainly unexpected.

"I feel like I'm stealing... Can I just hand this to you? Maybe you could give it back to the man. He said he was the main man of the Yao- something something... family. Sorry, I'm a little fuzzy on the name. Still shook."

"Didn't you say he gave it to you though? It isn't stealing if he gave it to you, is it?" Naomasa sat beside him.

"I guess... but it's too much." Meian hid his face, even though it's already covered by his mask. "How could I take that much money? I'm not even a hero. Vigilantes don't get paid... I don't even use money for anything. I don't feel like it's mine."

"I see what you're saying. Have you tried giving it back to the man?"

"Of course! He just... he's so stubborn." He pouted.

"What did he say when he gave it to you?"

"He didn't give it to me, he just left it in my hand when he took back all his other riches..."

"So he didn't say anything?"

"Well, I didn't say that. He... said to... see it as a dona- Wait, what did he mean by that? Is there some kind of donation for me that I have no idea about??" He took out his phone and searched it up.

Naomasa just watched in amusement.

"Oh no... holy mother, there is! How did I not know of this?? And there's so much already stocked up... what do I even do with all of this???"

Naomasa laughed.

Meian groaned. "You knew about this, didn't you? Why didn't you tell me?"

"You didn't ask. Honestly, I don't even think it's much of a problem. Most people would be happy to receive them."

"Well I'm not most people! Naomasa, please! Take this seriously! I really don't know what to do with this money." He gestured to the wallet.

"Well, since you have that donation stocked up, that money in the wallet doesn't really make much of a difference, does it? Just keep them, Meian. The people want you to have it. You didn't steal it, you didn't take it illegally. It's yours."

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