Chapter 51 - Sleeping Beauty

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Meian followed Eraserhead around, patrolling the area with him. He tried to keep focused on the patrol, but his mind kept going to Tucker.

"Meian, you alright? You look spaced out."

"Huh? Oh... I'm alright... just worried."

"Want to talk about it?"

"I don't think you'd care about it. It's not a problem you'd have to know."

"I see... does your family know?" He was a bit hurt that Meian thought he wouldn't care, but he didn't push it.

"Of course."

"Good. Thought you're worrying about it all on your own."

"Awe, you do ca-" Meian stopped himself, hearing some murmurs. Knowing the look on Meian, Eraserhead turned to where Meian was looking.

Both sneaking up on them, they hid in an alley to listen in.

"Seems like just some low thugs." Eraserhead informed.

"Yea, some low thugs with powerful quirks." Meian said sarcastically.

Eraserhead looked at him. "You know their quirks?"

"Pretty obvious when you look. Look at that guy's finger tips." Meian pointed to a guy. "It has calluses on them, meaning he uses them repeatedly. His quirk is most likely activated by using all five fingers. My guess is making things bendable like clay. He has things on his belt that could help him with it."

He moved on to the next thug. "That one with the long hair? Could be because his quirk is to do with his hair. The girl with the blond hair? She looks like she's been working out. Her quirk probably has something to do with muscles."

He saw another woman coming into play. "She has swords. Her teeth look sharp. She probably needs blood to activate hers."

"Wow, great analysis."

"Just a hobby. Um... with their quirks in mind, a long ranged fighter is best to win. Unfortunately, none of us is a long ranged fighter..."

"No good hero is a one trick pony. Don't worry, I got this. Thanks for the information."

"Huh? Wait! Eraser!"

Ignoring Meian, Eraserhead erased their quirks, threw his capture weapon and lifted them up in one smooth motion. He then threw caltrops underneath them.

"Ohoho! Hi there hero! I see you're able to capture us, huh?" One of the guys smirked.

"I can't use my quirk!" Another one shouted.

"He's covering his eyes! Probably to hide his gaze, right? His quirk must be using his eyes!" The one with the clay quirk informed.

Eraserhead kept looking at them so their quirks would still be erased, not blinking.

"You seem to be getting tired. Why don't you... blink just for a second...?" The long haired girl teased.

Meian watching this knew Eraserhead needed to blink. 'I need to help him... if I just get to them to knock them out...' He looked around. 'Okay... I can get to that roof and knock them from above. I just hope Eraser will hold till then...'

As quick as he could, Meian climbed the roof. 'Okay, I'm up...' He looked down. Eraserhead's eyes were already twitching. 'Need to be fast.'


"Come on, hero... you know you want to~"

'I can't hold much longer...' Eraserhead blinked, and immediately, the long haired girl used her quirk to grow her hair, aiming for the caltrops.

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