Chapter 97 - Nighteye's Assist

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He smiled. Mirio was finally going to Nighteye's Agency. Tamaki was apparently going to learn under Fatgum, and Nejire under Ryukyu.

Meian never really met them personally, but from what he heard, they are quite perfect for them to learn under.

'Fatgum is a hero who shows himself to fans in the streets. Well... he couldn't hide even if he wanted to, he's too big for that. I'm surprised that Amajiki-kun even considered him...' Meian hummed as he overlooked Mirio's first patrol.

He was under the guidance of a senior intern, so he was sure it was fine. However, it's better safe than sorry, right?

'Then again, Fatgum eats most anything and Amajiki-kun uses his quirk by eating something first, so it's really a good match.'

Meian watched as Mirio was approached by some kids. 'Oh? A test of how he'll deal with rowdy kids already? All Might certainly didn't pass that one.' He huffed as he remembered his past.

'Grabbing his cape, poking his legs, asking difficult questions, oof, Mirio got it hard already...' He giggled. 'He still has that goofy smile though.'

Meian watched Mirio turn it into a game, the children laughing along. 'Togata-kun, you're still on duty. Better to finish playing soon. Why isn't the senior doing anything?' He frowned.

"Alright! Let's play, find mommy and daddy!" Mirio said, looking left and right with his hand facing down on his forehead.

'Ooo, good one.' Meian chuckled.

Soon enough, all the kids were back with their parents, and Mirio continued his patrol right on time.

Meian nodded in approval. 'Yes, yes. That's a check on my list of 'good for kids' heroes. Which will be a new list that won't be the most prioritized.'


Meian followed Mirio to Nighteye's Agency after they finished their patrol.

'I might as well say hi... I hope I won't be a bother.'

He walked in after Mirio. 'Oh right... reception. Well, nevermind then. I'll use the window.'

"Hold it right there, Meian." Meian flinched as he heard Nighteye and turned around immediately.

"Wha- oh, it's just you. Geez, you scared me... why'd you do that...?" Meian whimpered.

Nighteye ignored his whimpers. "What are you doing here?"

Meian blinked. "Just came by to say hi?"

"If you were doing that, you'd have to be talking with my receptionist by now and not walking out."

"Ah right. About that, I don't really do receptions."

"That means you were going to break in." Nighteye said with a straight face.

"Hmm... yeah, I guess. Does that make me a villain?"

They were staring right at each other for a few minutes before Nighteye sighed. "I suppose this is a normal thing you do as a vigilante?"

"Isn't it obvious? Anyway, since I've said hi, I guess I'd better be going. I know when I'm not wanted. Just telling you Togata-kun did a great job on patrol, even more with kids. He's a keeper." He starts to walk out.

Nighteye frowned, grabbing his shoulder. "Wait, you were stalking my intern?"

Meian was looking at his hand. 'Ah... he can use his quirk on me now... Okay, as long as I don't do something that'll make him look into my future, it'll be fine.'

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