Chapter 108 - Hitoshi's Bullies

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"How are you not used to this yet? We've been at it for weeks." Feli frowned, looking at the heavy breathing boy.

"You... train like this... in the mafia?"

"I did." Feliciano nodded.

Izuku groaned. "I don't know... I feel so weird doing it too..."

"Well, get used to it. I did." Feliciano shrugged. "Why are you just asking that now?"

"I asked questions to improve. The question never really came into my head until now."

Addison came up to them. "Izuku, you're a smart boy. You should've adjusted it to your fighting style more. Everest was a fool to not let me watch over you while you train until now." She huffed.

"Adjust it?" Izuku tilted his head.

"You remember when Nala taught you her style all those years ago? You adjusted it to fit your style, didn't you? You did that when you were learning from us too." Addison reminded him.

"Yeah... but Feli is a human. I'm a human too, so it shouldn't need any adjusting, right?"

"Wait, so you've been trying to do it exactly the same as me?" Feliciano widened his eyes. "You sure are a fool for someone so smart." He sighed.

"That's what I wanted to say." Addison joined in, shaking her head.

"What do I need to adjust?" Izuku tilted his head.


"Great, finally. Now we can move on to learning everything else." Feli grinned.

"Everything else?" Izuku blinked. "I've only just gotten used to this added fighting style..."

"Oh don't worry. Everything else is easy. Just need a lot of time. The most important thing for you is to be creative. Not just for tools, clothes, or food. Now I know you don't like killing, but you gotta think like you're going to kill someone to get them down."

Izuku frowned. "Where are you going with this?"

"I want you to think of ways to kill me. You lost to me when you were alone. If it weren't for your wolves, you'd be dead. Let's make this a challenge. Creativity is your friend. If you manage to impress me with it, I'll teach you something you'd never expect from me."

"Hmm... okay, how about-"

"No, don't tell me. Actually do it. Take action. I want you to kill me in the most creative ways possible. Also fastest, but that comes second since you're not actually gonna be an assassin. Of course, I'm going to counter you. I'm not going down easily."

"You want me to kill you...?"

"You can use the help of your animal friends if you want, but bonus points if you do it alone. Something that doesn't require you to fight me is also the best."

Izuku stayed silent.

Feli looked at him, and raised a brow. "Oy, speak. I'm quirkless. I can't read minds."

"I can't..." Izuku looked away.

Feli blinked, then sighed. "Is that what this is about? You can't kill?"

Izuku gave a small nod.

"The hero commission also taught me to kill, you know?"

"I know, but that's wrong." Izuku pouted.

Feli crouched down, getting to the same height as Izuku. "Hey, look at me."

Izuku looked at him, his eyes glistening with a layer of tears.

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