Chapter 35 - Finally Home

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When morning came around, Izuku had already made breakfast and lunch for Aizawa.

Aizawa looked at Meian as he was about to leave for work. "So... this is goodbye then...?" He said sadly.

"I don't like the sound of that. I'd rather say... see you later." Meian replied smiling.

Meian looked at Aizawa. His hands are twitching and his body is shaky. 'Oh, Aizawa... just tell me you want a hug already.' Meian giggled as he moved forward. He put his arms around Aizawa, giving him a big hug.

Aizawa returned the hug. It was warm. Izuku remembered his parents. How warm their hugs were. It was just like this hug. Meian pulled away from the hug. "Well, you better go now, or you'll be late. See you later, Aizawa."

"Yeah... see you later, Meian." Aizawa said as he walked away. He knew when he comes back, Meian won't be in his house anymore.

Meian closed the door and turned. He saw two cats sitting and staring right at him.

"Well, I guess I have to say 'see you later' to you guys too." Meian smiled as he crouched down to their level. Yua and Tora ran towards the open arms of the vigilante.

"I'll miss you, Izuku."

"Me too, Yua." Meian kissed the forehead of the two cats then put them down. "I'll go grab my belt, and then I'll be off." He said walking to his room.

Yua looked at her sister, "Tora, you're taking this very calmly. I'm surprised you haven't cried yet."

"Actually, I had... last night in Izuku's room... I'm okay now because this isn't going to be the last time I see him."

"What do you mean? He's leaving... forever..." Yua said, sadly. "Ever since he came you've been very positive and active. I don't want you to go back to the way you were before..."

"Don't worry, sis. I won't." Tora comforted her, making sure she put the 'sis' in there to make her happy.


'Everest, I'm coming home. I'll finally be home. Be ready for a feast later.' Izuku chuckled to himself imagining his family running to him and Everest scolding him.

After he put his belt on, he walked to the kitchen. 'I'll pour Yua and Tora's food. They can eat it later.' Izuku poured their food into the bowl. 'Oh! I should make Aizawa's dinner. Or else he'll eat instant noodles again.'

Izuku opened the fridge. 'Hmm... what can I make...' Izuku looked through the limited ingredients Aizawa has. 'Oh! I can make mac 'n cheese! He can just heat it up later in the microwave.'

He quickly makes Aizawa's dinner and puts it in the fridge so there won't be bugs crawling over it. 'I better make a note so that Aizawa knows.' He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down a note to check the fridge when it's dinner time and to put the mac 'n cheese in the microwave for a bit before he eats it. 'There. Now I can go home.'

"Tora! Yua!" He called and the cats came running. "I'm gonna go now. I'll see you later okay? I've prepared your food over there. You can eat it later." He said walking to the window.

"Wait! You're going out through the window??" Yua asked quickly before Meian did.

"Well... yeah."

"We have a door."

"If someone sees the vigilante, Meian, leaves a house. Everyone is going to assume it's my house and there's going to be newscasters surrounding this house and I am not going to put that into Aizawa's life."

Tora saw Yua's mouth was opened and closed it with her paw. "You'll get used to Izuku's smart mind. He's always ten steps ahead of you."

"Oops... sorry Yua. See you later." Izuku smiled and left.

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