Chapter 109 - Applying For UA

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"Hitoshi!! You were bullied???" Hitoshi blinked in surprise as Meian came through the door and shook him by his shoulders. "Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"Meian, I'm fine. Touya already treated the bruises." He explained.

Meian sighed. "Okay. Good. But, Toshi... How were you bullied? You didn't defend yourself?"

"I... It was my old bullies... I guess I haven't really got over them yet. I'm sorry I disappointed you, Meian."

"Disappointed? No, I'm not. Trauma just doesn't go away because you're stronger, Toshi. It's okay. I'm just glad you didn't come across your parents."

Hitoshi shuddered at the thought. "Yeah... How did you know anyway? Did Touya tell you?"

"Ah, no." Meian rubbed the back of his neck. "It's a secret." He grinned.

"Aw man... You always know these things and I never know how you get the information." Hitoshi pouted.

Meian giggled. "I have my ways. Anyway, It's almost winter. I hope you're already prepared to be comfortable in the cold."

Hitoshi nodded. "I am. Touya helped. And if it gets too cold, Touya can always warm me up."

"That's true, but let's hope it won't come to that, yeah?"

Hitoshi nodded.

"How are you with the preparation for UA? You only have five months left, after all. Gotta do plus ultra than usual, yes?"

Hitoshi grinned. "Of course. That's gonna be my motto soon. I gotta live up to it."

"Who knows, maybe I'll watch the UA entrance exam this time. Since I don't have to hide anything from you anymore." Meian chuckled.

"You can watch the entrance exam??" Hitoshi exclaimed in surprise.

"Did I not tell you? Nezu, the principal of UA, invited me to watch, but I refused."

"What? Whyy?" Hitoshi whined. "You could've told me what I could be going against..."

"That is exactly why I didn't accept the offer." Meian smirked. "Though if you can find out what it is you're going to be fighting by yourself, then I won't stop you, I'll even applaud you. Sounds fair, right?"

Hitoshi huffed.

"Hey, heroes often need to look for information by themselves. Think of it like a challenge, okay?" Meian ruffled his hair. "Maybe you can find some UA alumni and you can ask them."

Hitoshi frowned. "They would be heroes though."

Meian shrugged. "If you're not comfortable with them, then maybe you can find some UA students. Though you won't find any Class 1-A students if you go to UA. They're all expelled. But they've been through the entrance exam too, so if you could find them, then you can ask."

"Wait, wait. Hang on a second. A whole class is expelled???"

Meian looked at the bewildered Hitoshi and sighed. "Yes. It's really unfortunate, isn't it?"

"How come a whole class of hero students is expelled???"

"Many reasons, but one most important is the teacher deemed they have zero potential."

"A teacher? They have that much authority to just expel students?"

"Well, just like the students have more freedom there than other schools, the teachers do too. Of course when it comes to expulsion, they still have to do the paperwork for it, and the principal has to look through them."

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