Chapter 48 - The Kanai Family

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Tsukauchi already called most of the kids' parents who filed a missing child report. Soon, they got picked up. There's just three children left that the parents haven't been called yet.

Tsukauchi asked for their family name and thankfully, they knew it. Two of the kids' parents soon came and picked them up. The only one left is Harumi, the six year old girl.

"Papa..." Harumi mumbled.

"Harumi, do you know what's taking your dad so long to come?" Meian asked, to not let the girl get bored.

"Papa... he's a single father. He works day till night. I usually help out at home. Doing the cleaning and cooking." Meian saw the gleam in her eyes. It's obvious she loves her father.

"Where does your dad work?"

"He's the owner of a daycare, but he always does everything by himself... the paperwork, the children he takes care of, cooking and cleaning the daycare, all the necessities. I learned to cook from him!" She grinned, proud of herself.

"Doesn't he have employees working there?" Meian asked. 'The kidnappers said boss, and this is his daughter. I would've thought he had some kind of workers...'

"He does once. But they all left because of his... condition. Papa never bothered to hire anymore workers, since he knows they'll just leave afterwards."

'Condition?' Meian didn't push it. It's obvious the girl wanted to keep it a secret. "Harumi, if it's alright, can I ask what happened to your mother?"

"Mama.. she died when I was two. I don't remember her much, but I know she loved papa and me. The daycare was her idea. Papa said when she had me, she realized she loved taking care of little kids, so they both planned to have a daycare." Harumi smiled, remembering the story her dad told her.

Meian listened with open ears. "When I was one, they finally had Yorokobi Daycare. Mama and papa were so happy, but mama got sick because of the stressful process of it all. Papa said we didn't have enough money to pay for her treatment. So a year later, mama passed away. Papa had to raise me and the daycare all on his own."

"You have a great father, Harumi." Meian smiled.

Harumi gave a sad smile. "I hope you think like that forever..." she mumbled.

"Harumi, I'm sure whatever condition your father has won't bother me." He tucked the girl's hair behind her ear. "I'm an open minded person."

"Harumi!" A shout was heard by the entrance.

"Papa!" Harumi lit up and ran to her father.

"Haru... thank goodness you're alright. I'm sorry I couldn't come any sooner." He hugged her tight.

"It's alright, papa. I understand."

Meian walked to the family.

"Ah, you must be the one who saved my daughter. Thank you so much."

"It was no problem. I'm glad to be of help." Meian eyed the man. He was wearing a long sleeved shirt and long pants. The eyes of the man screams of pain, tiredness, and worry. 'He seems to be wary of his surroundings... is this connected to his condition?'

It was just a glimpse, but he saw it. Just under his shirt, on his shoulder, and under his sleeves, on his wrist. Marks of cuts and bruises, and maybe even a burn. 'T-those are... it didn't even look like he treated it...'

Meian watched as they went on their way. 'I'll... follow them. Just in case.'



"Yes, Haru?"

"Do you think anyone's gonna accept your quirklessness? It's becoming more dangerous now... I even got kidnapped because of it..."

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