Chapter 64 - Proposal Plan

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"I'm gonna visit Hitoshi! I wonder what he's doing~" Meian practically sang as he galloped to Hitoshi's house.

He opened the door to his room. "Hey, Hito! What are you doing?"

"Ohh!! Meian!"

"I know you're on your free period at this time." Meian grinned.

Hitoshi giggled awkwardly. "I was... umm... searching for pictures..."

"Pictures? Of what?"

"Umm... Eraserhead pictures... but I don't find any that aren't blurred..."

Meian laughed. "Oh, he is definitely one elusive pro. Wanna see the pictures I have instead?"

"You have his pictures??!?" Hitoshi gleamed in excitement.

"Yep! I took a pretty cool one last night too." Meian showed the picture to Hitoshi.

"Woaah!! That's so cool! How did you even get this?!"

Meian giggled. "I'm his fan as well, you know?" He winked, but Hitoshi's focus was on the picture. 'What is he thinking?' He wondered.

"Meian... this is basically asking for the impossible, but this should be a poster." Hitoshi said in a very quiet voice, Meian almost couldn't hear him.

He was sure Hitoshi didn't want him to hear that, but he did. He remembered when he asked his mom to buy him all of the All Might posters that he taped to his wall. She always complied.

'I'll do my best to turn this into a poster. Just you wait, Hitoshi.' He mentally promised.


As Meian walked around the city, his phone vibrated. 'A text?'

He opened his phone. 'Oh, it's from Hizashi...'



Hey, Meian. Can we talk real quick? It's about the proposal planning.


Sure. Where should I go?


I'm on my way to my radio station. I have a little time before my show, so I want to spend that time planning.


I'll be there shortly.

I'll meet you in the alley beside it.




Meian quickly ran to the place mentioned. Good thing he is in the area already. He doesn't have to go far.

He waited for Hizashi to come. When he saw him, he came out of his hiding place a little bit so that Hizashi could see him, but not enough to attract anyone else.

When he failed to see him though, he took out his knife and reflected the sunlight towards him.

Hizashi looked his way and smiled. 'Well, that got his attention...'

"Meian! Hi. Let's go inside. I know a place much more private than here." He took his hand, but Meian took it back.

"Hizashi, I can't go in the front door. There's people all around! Why do you think I don't wanna wait for you at the front?" He sighed. "Just tell me what floor, open the window and stick your head out. I'll go there my way."

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