Chapter 17 - Death of A Family

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Aizawa was done with his class and was walking back to the teacher's lounge. Then he saw Nezu as if he was waiting for him.

"What's going on, principal?"

"Come with me to my office."

He did as he was told. Once in the office, Nezu sat on his oversized chair.

"I talked with Meian today." Nezu said with a grin.

"Meian? He was here?"

"He was looking around. That is... after he hacked the security."

"He hacked the security? I thought you made it hard to do that."

"I did."

"He was able to hack it? I knew he was smart, but I didn't think he was that smart. What did he want?"

"He was just looking around. I'm the one who offered him something."

"Okay? What did you offer him?"

"Well, I let him go. He was obviously going to hack the place again, so I offered a pass, if he's able to hack my improved security. I also told him to come to me immediately if he was able to go in."

Aizawa waited for more explanation from the principal.

"That is where I need you and Tsukauchi to be here." Right after that, there was a knock on the door. The detective mentioned, walked in.

"Ah, there you are. Perfect timing."

"Something about Meian, Nezu?" The detective asked.

"Why yes. I believe I've already explained briefly on the phone."


"If Meian succeeded, I need both of you here in this office."

"Are we going to capture him?"

"No. We are going to recruit him. If he's able to hack my improved security, he is a wonderful asset for heroes. I asked a couple questions. He said he wanted to be a hero before he dropped out of school and became a vigilante. And you said he was not hurting any of the civilians and never killed any of the villains he defeated. He already showed that he is capable of being a great hero."

"I can see where you are going with this, but you have no proof that what he said was right."

"That's where you come in, detective. I will ask the questions. You will be there to confirm the truth and false. Eraserhead will be there to guard the door. Besides, he seems to be fond of you."


Izuku went home after the conversation with Nezu. He was nervous, but also excited. He was also scared of what his surprise would be. He was feeling a lot of emotions at the same time.

"Izuku! Sing for us!"

"I sang for you two days ago, Locco."

"I want more..."

Izuku chuckled, "Alright, alright. Wait for me while I change."

He changed out of his Meian outfit into his Mikumo outfit. He grabbed his guitar and started to think of a song as the wolves gathered.

He started playing the first song that came to his mind; Freaks.

(Song: "Freaks" by Jordan Clarke)

I've been locked in the locker
I was picked last in soccer
And they say that it's all fun
But their fun, it ain't fun, man, I'm done

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