Chapter 100 - Stupid All Might

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'Gosh, that was such a scene. I'm glad All Might didn't strain himself any further though. Damn, I wish I could praise him for that. I didn't see him after that was done.'

Just as he finished thinking that, All Might, in his buff form, stopped in front of him, surprising him.

Meian slapped his face on instinct, making All Might into a skeleton once more. "AAH! Yagi! You are a goddamn idiot! Why did you do that?!"

"I needed to get to you, Meian." He wiped his coughed up blood.

"Huh? Why?" Meian frowned.

"I have decided I will choose you to be my successor!"

Meian pulled back and frowned even deeper. "All Might, shut up. This is the street. It's out in the open. Anyone can hear what you're going to say. Go to a more private place first before you say anything." He sighed. "Do you not use your brain at all?"

He walked past the number one hero, leading him to somewhere more private while thinking how ironic it is that the person All Might offered to be his successor is the same person who was told he can't be a hero.

He settled on an abandoned and rundown warehouse, sitting down on the ground. "Now speak. What the heck is in that brain of yours that makes you want to make me your successor? Which may I inform you, I don't have much knowledge about what your successor must do."

"Your feet moved before you could think, didn't it? You saw the victim, and you immediately dashed in. Before you saw that victim you were even observing the situation, but you didn't dash in until you knew there was someone who needed help. You are already better than me at that! It moved me to bits!" Yagi started explaining.

Meian's head was already starting to hurt at how simple Yagi's brain is, but he kept quiet and let the old man finish his explanations.

"It is a trademark for heroes to have their body move before they could think to save another. That is why I decided to choose you, Meian. You are worthy of inheriting my quirk."

Meian frowned. 'His quirk?? How is this connected???'

"People have speculated my quirk as super strength, speed booster, and in interviews I have always avoided that topic with a funny joke. Because, the Symbol of Peace, All Might, had to be a natural born hero."

'There are so many things wrong with that last sentence, but I'll hold my tongue for now. What in the world is he blabbering about??'

"But, Meian, I will now tell you the whole truth."

Meian squinted his eyes, focusing on everything the man was saying.

"My quirk was passed on to me like a sacred torch. The power to transfer power to another. It is the quirk that I inherited from my mentor. I was crowned with a quirk called One for All."

'One for All...' Meian listened, ready for more information of how this quirk works.

"It is a stockpiling quirk. One person cultivates the power and passes it on to another person, who also cultivates it and passes it on. It is the crystallization of power that spins together the voices of those who need help with a courageous heart."

'Is this man serious?? I need the details!! Not the backstory of the quirk, god dammit!'

"However, it is up to you. Will you inherit my quirk, Meian?"

That question brought him back to the situation.

'I'm sorry, did I hear that right? I have been living quirkless my entire life. I have been saving people without a quirk my whole entire life. I have decided to live my life the way it is. I have accepted that I don't and will never get a quirk in my life, and here he is now, offering me something that will destroy everything I have now??'

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