Chapter 6 - The Forest

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Bakugou sat in class, still hoping that Izuku would come through the door. But at last, the bell rang, and Izuku didn't come.

The teacher came in, "Class, I'm afraid we have sad news. Yesterday, there was a villain attack. Many deaths have been made. This includes Midoriya's parents. Last night, we were informed that Midoriya has gone missing."

Bakugou didn't hear anything else after that. 'Deku... please be okay. Please... just come back... Don't let me worry like you always do. Annoy me by asking your silly questions. Just-'

"Oy, Bakugou!" The person who said to Izuku that he should just kill himself interrupted Bakugou's thoughts. "Do you think he took a swan dive off a roof and died? I did say that to him again a few weeks ago."

'What?!?! HE SAID WHAT???!!?' Bakugou was angry. He knew that Izuku was still being bullied, but Izuku never told him anything. He just seemed sad every now and then, but Bakugou just distracted him. He thought if it was important he'd tell him. Besides, it's not like he was sad all the time.

"You must be glad, Bakugou. He's been hanging around you more recently, hasn't he?"

Bakugou was even more annoyed now. He ignored all of his classmate's chit chat, and after the day ended, he stormed out, not looking or waiting for anyone.

'Deku is strong. He wouldn't jump... right? He isn't dead. I don't believe it. I won't believe it! Deku is still alive somewhere! He'll come back someday. Until then, I will be a hero for both of us! You'll see!'


Izuku felt warm. He opened his eyes and saw a wolf pup sleeping beside him. He felt uncomfortable for some reason. Like someone was watching him.

He went out of his sleeping bag, looked at the little pup, then looked around him.

'Wow. I never paid any attention to my surroundings. This forest is beautiful.'

He looked behind him and flinched. He saw an adult wolf, looking at him aggressively. 'Dad said the animals here are very dangerous...' He eyed the wolf once more. The wolf was looking back and forth at him and the wolf pup.

'Oh! It's probably one of the pup's pack!'

He slowly backs away, letting the adult wolf get closer and checks the pup.

The pup woke up as the adult wolf sniffed him. He licked the adult wolf and stood up.

Surprisingly, the pup looked around and found Izuku. He ran to him and snuggled Izuku's leg.

Izuku doesn't know what to do. He remembered seeing on a website that if a pup of an animal has been touched by a human, the parents will eat the pup.

Izuku looked at the adult wolf, then at the pup once more. "Hey, is that your mom?" The pup barked. "You should probably go to her then." The pup whined. The adult wolf heard their conversation and got closer, not giving any sign of aggression.

The pup turned around to face the adult wolf and growled as if he was protecting Izuku. "Hey, you shouldn't growl at your mom, puppy. Go on, be with your mother. It looks like your wound is almost healed, so I think it's fine."

The adult wolf got closer and now is in front of Izuku. Izuku was scared. He doesn't know what to do. 'Should I run? But that'll probably startle her.' In the middle of his thoughts, the adult wolf licked Izuku's hand, then turned as if she wanted him to follow her.

"You want me to follow? Where to? Your pack?" The pup barked and jumped around excitedly. "Aren't they gonna suspect me? I'm an outsider." The adult wolf sighed. At least that was what Izuku saw. "Okay, I'll follow you, but can I bring my stuff? I don't really want to leave them here." The mother wolf then sat on the ground, as if she's saying she'll wait for him.

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