Chapter 20 - Nezu's Past

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Izuku woke up the next morning. He made breakfast and ate with his family. Also telling them what he's going to do that day.

"Guys, I forgot to tell you that I revealed I'm quirkless to the two boys."

"How did they respond to it?" Everest asked, worried if Izuku was bullied.

"They were shocked, but amazed. I also asked them if my name rings a bell."


"Seems like I'm forgotten. Well, it makes it easier to go to town, I guess. Just grab my belt and go."

His disguise as Meian is always kept inside the belt, and he always brings it with him. Just in case something happened.

"So you're going to hack the improved UA security. Good luck, Izuku." Locco said.

"Yeah. Thank you, Locco. I'll see you guys later."


Izuku grabbed his belt and walked to the city. He wandered around. He spotted his old preschool. 'Probably shouldn't go there.'

He spotted Shinsou's school. 'I should work out how I should do this... He needs education too if he wants to go to UA. I heard the entrance exam is no joke...'

He spotted Bakugou's school. 'I hope he's doing alright... I'll take a little peak.'

Izuku sneaked in and looked through the window. He saw Bakugou on his chair. Two people were talking to him, but he didn't seem to be interested. 'Kacchan usually just shouted at everyone... or is it just me...? But he seemed to miss me in the writings... is it because of me that he doesn't shout anymore?'

Right after he thought that, Bakugou shouted so loud, he could hear it. "PISS OFF YOU EXTRAS! DON'T FUCKING BOTHER ME!"

'Welp, same old Kacchan.' With that thought, Izuku left to go to UA.



Bakugou can't hold back anymore. He's been ignoring everyone in his school. He knew his friend was still bullied after he was gone. He didn't notice that his friend was still bullied when he was standing right in front of him.

'I failed as a friend,' is what he thought.

It is unfortunate to have most of his preschool classmates in the same school. Everyone keeps talking of how amazing it is to no longer have the quirkless trash here. How it must be relieving to be released from the clingy bastard.

Bakugou was pissed. He watches villain fights. Heroes winning one after the other. He always asks them if he had the chance, "Can a quirkless be a hero?" And every hero, every teacher, every classmate said the same thing, no.

'Tch. Deku, wherever you are, you gotta prove them wrong. Just... prove them wrong, for you. If not... for me.'

"-gou. Bakugou!"


"Geez! We were just talking. What's wrong with you?!"

"YOU WILL NEVER GET IT! Now just shut the fuck up, and let me fucking be!"


Izuku was walking to UA. 'Class should be in session now, right? Hope I'm not disturbing anything.'

He arrived in front of the UA gate. 'Nothing seems to be different...' He inspected the area. 'Well, might as well just get on with it.'

He started fiddling with the system. 'Man, this looks more complicated. Great! I love a good challenge.'

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