Chapter 76 - Strolling The City

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"Wait, so you've been together all this time?" Kayama shrieked. "And you didn't think to tell me??!"

"Yep." Aizawa said bluntly.

"Aw, Shouta!! You're so mean! And to think that I've been shipping you two since forever."

"You ship us? Why? Not that I'm complaining." Hizashi rubbed the back of his neck.

"Because you're cute together. Speaking of, are you gonna propose soon?"

"Already did." Hizashi grinned.

"WHAT?! Where are your rings then?"

"Hidden from the world." Hizashi answered dramatically.

"Beneath our clothes." Aizawa said bluntly, rolling his eyes, but secretly amused.

"So... you're married?"

"Not yet. Honestly, I don't even know how to start planning it." Hizashi groaned. "But, moving back to our topic, will you please help us plan for Meian's birthday party?"

"Well, of course! It's Meian, the one who saved me! Why wouldn't I?" Kayama laughed.

"What is this about Meian I hear?" Nezu confronted them after arriving at the teacher's lounge.

"Oh, hello, Nezu. We're just planning to give Meian a surprise party. Since we don't know when his birthday is, we made his first villain capture his birthday." Hizashi explained.

Nezu smiled. Partly because they're gonna give something nice for his friend, and partly because his coworkers don't seem to tense up when he's around anymore.

"Oh, may I join in on this party? I'd love to surprise a friend. Usually you bring gifts for one's birthday, yes?"

"Oh, of course you may join! The more the merrier! And yes, we give gifts for someone's birthday." Kayama grinned. "These two wanted to have the party at their house, which I still can't believe you didn't tell me by the way." She pouted at Aizawa and Hizashi.

"Who else is invited?" Nezu asked.

"We haven't planned that far ahead yet. I was thinking... all the teachers? Chiyo and Lunch Rush could join as well..." Hizashi thought out loud.

"Tsukauchi too. Don't forget about him." Aizawa reminded him.

"Oh, right. Of course."

"The detective is his friend too, is he not?" Nezu smiled. "Meian's gone a long way from being chased to being friends with the detective."

"I'll handle the invitations!" Kayama practically sang while getting up to do just that.

"You really think that's a good idea?" Aizawa whispered to Hizashi.

"She's the one who can persuade someone, so why not? That's her specialty."

"Alright then... just hope she doesn't invite someone Meian doesn't even know."

"Doesn't he like... knows everyone? He knows about you when you haven't even met him yet, remember?"

"You know what I mean, Zashi." Aizawa gently chopped his fiancé's head.


"Wow. I'm surprised you kept it to only the people Meian knows." Aizawa voiced his thoughts.

"Hey, you're so mean! I may be persuasive, but I know who to invite to a birthday party. It would be awkward to see someone he doesn't know at his birthday party, wouldn't it?" Kayama pouted.

"So what do we actually do at this birthday party?" Nezu asked. "What's the plan?"

"Have you never been to a birthday party before, Nezu?" Hizashi asked.

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