Chapter 75 - Curiosity Killed The Cat, But Satisfaction Brought It Back

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It's about a month before Hizashi's plan to propose to Aizawa. They just got back home from visiting Meian.

"Zashi, I was wondering. What were you talking about with Meian earlier? If you don't want to tell, it's alright. I'm just curious."

"Well, if I tell you, you'd be even more curious. And as the saying said, 'curiosity killed the cat'."

"But there's a second part to that saying; 'but satisfaction brought it back'. Just tell me, will it make me satisfied?"

"I... like to think so."

Aizawa sighed. "How long do I have to be dead to be satisfied?"

"Well..." Hizashi laughed nervously. "About a month..."

Aizawa looked at him. "You're gonna leave me dead for a month?"

"When you say it that way..."

Aizawa sighed again. "It better make me satisfied if I have to wait that long."

Then there was a knock on the door. The two looked at each other.

"You expecting someone?" Aizawa asked.

"No... you?"

"Nope." Aizawa groaned.

"I'll get it. You just stay here."

"Planning on it."

Hizashi looked through the peephole. 'Is that who I think it is?!' He opened the door. "M-Mikumo??"

"Hi, sorry to drop by unannounced."

"Oh, no worries. Would you like to come in?"

"If it's not too much trouble..."

Hizashi gestured for him to come in. "Shou! We have an unexpected visitor!"

Aizawa looked. "Hah? Oh, Mikumo, right? The one who was on my corner at UA."

Mikumo laughed sheepishly. "Sorry about that..."

"I don't blame you. It's a comfortable corner."

"So, Mikumo. Any reason you decided to stop by?" Hizashi asked.

"Well, I actually came here for you."

"Alright, then. I'll be in my room." Aizawa stood.

"Oh, okay. Sorry again."

"We can go to my room." Hizashi suggested.

"Why don't you have the same room?" Mikumo wondered out loud. "Ah! Sorry. I didn't mean to say that out loud."

Hizashi looked towards Aizawa who was walking into his room. Then he looked back to Mikumo and smiled. "I just wanna do whatever makes him comfortable. Now, let's go to my room. Or the music room?"

"Music room's good. I wanna hear how you do."

"Ooh, a test. I'm so ready for this."


Aizawa stared at his ceiling. 'What makes me comfortable, huh?'

He heard a meow and looked towards the cat door. "Hey, Yua."

She jumped onto the bed and cuddled beside Aizawa as he stroked her.

"Think I should move in with Zashi?" He asked the cat who just meowed in response.

"Do couples usually sleep in the same room? I guess they do."

Yua purred.

"Think you'd cuddle with me less if I move room?"

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