Chapter 79 - He Makes Sense Now!

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Warning: Manga Spoilers!!

You have been warned!!

Aizawa and Hizashi drove Meian back to his forest with his presents on the back of the car. It was much easier than carrying them by hand.

They stopped in front of the entrance to not alert Kion and his friends of an intruder, and to not scare the animals of an unknown machine.

"Thanks for the ride, Hiza, Zawa."

"No problem, Meian. Say, why don't you call Shou by his given name, huh? You've already helped us a lot. Even our personal stuff like the proposal."

"Hmm? If he's okay with it, then I guess I could."

"I don't mind. It's just names anyway. As long as it's not name calling, anything is fine." Aizawa said, going to the back to grab some of the presents, Hizashi and Meian following.

On the way to the cave, Kion met up with them, and took the chickens out of Meian's hands. The two heroes were confused why, but Meian explained he was going to take the chickens to their hidden coop.

"Why is it hidden?" Hizashi asked, confused.

"So they'd be protected. It's not only us in the forest, you know? Actually, having chickens gave us the idea to make a small farm. I've thought of what plants to grow, but I'll need to buy the seeds."

"Ooh, what are you gonna buy?"

"I have the list here in my pocket." He took out the list of plants he wrote last night and gave it to Hizashi.

With a smile, the blond man took out his phone and took a picture of the list. "Heheh, thanks, Meian. Now I can buy these for you too!"

"What?! N-no, I can't ask you to do that! Y-you already gave me enough!"

"Oh, come on! What good is my money if it's just gonna sit in my wallet?"

"We are never joining bank accounts..." Shouta sighed.

"That's fine with me!" Hizashi grinned. "Tell me if you change your mind though~"

"Maybe when you prove you can be responsible with your money management."

"Oh yeah, speaking of, how's the marriage plan going? Know who to invite yet? Both your families are obviously going-" Meian was cut off by the expression of the couple. "Hmm? What's wrong?"

"My parents aren't going to come..." Shouta said, looking to the side.

"Hmm? Why is that?"

"They... aren't the most supportive kind..." Hizashi beat around the bush.

"They're abusive." Shouta said, bluntly.

"S-Shouta..." Hizashi frowned.

"He might as well know. It's not a secret in the first place."

"Oh... sorry I reminded you of them." Meian apologized.

"Don't worry about it. It's in the past."

"To answer your question, Meian, our friends are coming. That's including you. Mikumo's family if they could come, but then again, only Mikumo knows us." Hizashi changed the grim mood.

Meanwhile, now Meian is wondering how he and Mikumo are going to be in the same place at the same time.

"Here's your list back, by the way." Hizashi said, handing the paper to Meian.

"Thanks. Oh, and if you're going to buy the plant seeds with your money, I'm going to pay you back."

"No nee-"

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