Chapter 4 - Alone

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It's a day before his fifth birthday! Izuku was excited! His parents have been hiding his presents from him.

Today is a Saturday and Izuku is spending the day with Bakugou.

"Hey, Deku. I got you a present. I bet you're gonna be with your parents tomorrow, so I'm gonna give it to you now. Mom told me we're going on a road trip for dad's job anyway, so I'm not gonna be here. I'll still come to school on Monday though." He huffed.

Bakugou still calls him Deku. He said he was already used to it. Izuku didn't actually mind that much. He knew his friend had changed.

"Thank you, Kacchan. I'm so happy we're friends again."

Izuku started opening his present, but Bakugou stopped him.

"No! Don't open it now! Open it tomorrow! On your birthday! I'll give you a hint: don't you dare scream and catch everyone's attention. Quickly hide it from everyone."

Izuku is even more curious now.

"Why would I scream? Why should I hide it from everyone? Is it dangerous?"

"Stop asking fucking questions! It's getting annoying. And I will not answer any of them."


The next day came. Izuku woke up to his parents telling him happy birthday. He was so happy.

They gave Izuku his presents. Izuku was shocked. He was only expecting one present from each of his parents, but he saw more than two presents.

He got a big bag for all his notebooks, a sleeping bag just like Eraserhead's (he found out that Aizawa has a sleeping bag he brings everywhere and looks very comfortable in it), a kit of technology, he can make stuff to support his fighting style now. He always likes to make stuff, and now he can make support items to fight. He also got a guitar for some reason...

"Dad, why did you give me a guitar?" Izuku asked, confused.

Hisashi chuckled, "You need a hobby other than writing on quirks, Izuku. I heard you singing in the shower and thought you might like to learn to play the guitar to complete that talent of yours."

"You know about that??? I thought I was pretty quiet..." Izuku felt embarrassed knowing that his parents knew about his little karaoke sessions in the shower.

"It's okay, Zuki. Don't be embarrassed. In fact, we love your voice, you should let the world hear you sing. We can't really play the guitar though, but we're sure you can learn by yourself, right? You've always been our smart little boy."

Izuku was happy. He was always happy when he's with his parents. They make him feel safe.

"I'll start learning right now! If I start now, I can probably sing you a song tomorrow!"

"We'll look forward to that, right Inko?" Hisashi said teasingly.

"Well, of course! We wouldn't want to miss our little boy's first performance. Oh, but we should probably go to let our boy practice, Hisashi."

"Right. I'm gonna go get some stuff from the store. I'm working on a thing that's almost done." Hisashi said as he went out.

"Bye-bye, dad! Love you! Be safe!" Izuku shouted. "LOVE YOU TOO, IZUKU!" He heard his dad shout back.

"I also have to go buy some groceries. I was supposed to do it yesterday, but I got distracted buying ingredients for a cake and forgot. We're almost out. Do you want to come with me, honey?"

Izuku hummed, thinking about it. "I wanna practice the guitar..."

"Hmm, Mitsuki is out with her family... Will you be okay in the house alone, Zuki?" Inko frowned.

"Yes, mom! I'm gonna practice the guitar anyway, so I don't think I'm gonna be bored."

"Okay, Zuki. Stay safe. I love you."

"Love you too, mom!"

With that, Inko also left the house.


In 5 hours of learning, Izuku has already mastered 2 songs and is getting bored. Izuku looked at another unopened present and remembered his present from Bakugou.

He opened it, and he was shocked.

'A knife??? How did he get this??? Wooow! It's so sharp as well. This is amazing!'

Izuku went to the technology kit he got and made a belt. He put his knife on the belt and felt satisfied.

He also noticed that the kit also has building tools in it. 'I guess mom and dad bought the best kit they could see...'


Izuku is getting restless. His parents never left him for so long before...

He turned on the TV, and what he saw was not good. A villain attack had occurred on the streets that Izuku knew his parents were in. Many deaths happened. The TV showed a list of every death that the villains have made. Izuku hoped and prayed his parents were safe, until he saw his parents' name on the list.

'No... this can't be happening. Mommy... daddy... please come home. Please say that this is a joke.'

He looked at the TV once more. He saw plastic bags full of groceries were scattered. He remembered his mom was going to buy groceries.

'It could be anyone's groceries... it can't be mom's, right?'

Then the TV showed photos of identification of everyone that had died. His parents' faces were in the middle of them all.

'No... why them? Why now?' Izuku was heartbroken. He quickly goes back to his room, putting all of his things in the big bag his parents got him. Notebooks, pencil case, tech kit, belt, laptop, first aid kit, sleeping bag, and his guitar. He also took some money. His parents always gave him some money at the start of the week. It wasn't much, but he kept it and never used it, so it became a lot of money. He also has a card full of money his mother prepared for him since he was born in case of an emergency. It automatically stores 100 yen every day. He took the card and put it in his bag.

'Mom and dad don't have any siblings. I'm going to have to go to an orphanage. I don't want to go there. I'm just going to be bullied again. I can't waste anymore time, but... where am I gonna go?'

He remembered a thick forest his father talked about. He said no one goes there because of the dangerous animals.

'I'm gonna go to the forest. At least I won't be bullied there. Just gotta be careful of the animals. Mom said as long as they don't feel threatened, they won't kill me. So I think it'll be fine.'

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