Chapter 43 - Unexpected

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"Alright. I'll see you guys later." Izuku said, leaving for patrol. He walked through the night, not expecting anything major to happen. 'I mean, All Might is still known to the people as the symbol of peace. No one knows that he's weaker or anything like that.'

When he walked through the ghost part of town though, he heard a scream of help. Just... not the usual scream. "MEIAN! HELP!"

'What the-' he immediately went to where the scream came from. There he saw a woman. The same woman he had saved the first time he went patrolling, before he had his vigilante name. In front of her stood a villain, holding a little boy.

"What are you screaming for? This is a ghost part of the town. No one's coming to save you. Now give me all your belongings, or the boy dies."

'Great. A hostage situation...' Meian thought of ways to knock the villain out. 'Sneak attack it is.'

He jumped up the building next to them quietly. Soon, he's on the roof above. 'Well this is awfully familiar.' He jumped down on the villain's neck, kicking the pressure point in the process. Just before the villain hit the ground, he grabbed the little boy, and landed in front of the woman.

"Mommy!" The boy cried, reaching his hands out to the woman. Meian put the boy down and he immediately ran to his mother's embrace. "You came! Thank you so much!" The woman thanked him as he was tying up the villain to a pole.

"So you did call me... I thought I was hearing things. You're not hurt, are you?" He quickly checks for any injuries the woman or the boy have.

"I'm fine." The woman answered. Meian nodded and turned to the boy. "Oh, it looks like you have a little cut on your arm. Here, let me help." He pulled out his first aid kit and helped the little boy gently.

"Why did you call for me, ma'am? There's plenty of other heroes to call out to and I'm just a vigilante."

"Well, I know there are other heroes... but in that split second, all that I can think of is you. And you came to help! I am so grateful to you. You saved my life before, and now you saved me and my son. I couldn't thank you enough."

"Sorry to ask, but what are you doing in this part of town at night? It's dangerous, especially with a little boy." He said, putting away the first aid kit back in his belt as he finished helping the boy.

"Ah, we were just heading home when this... creep started bugging me. I ran holding my son, away from home because I wanted to lead him away from there. We lost him, but then I got lost and found myself in this part of town. Then this villain grabs my son and you know the rest."

"You're lost? Can I help you get to safety?"

"Oh, will you?"

"Yeah. It's not that far to get to the park near the alley I first saw you." He looked at the knocked out villain and took out his phone. "Just... give me a minute to get the police to take him." He gave Tsukauchi the coordinates and explanation. "Alright, let's go."

He led the woman and her son to the park. "Well, this is it. Do you know your way from here?"

"Yes, I do. My house is right over there actually. Thank you so much for helping us."

"No problem, ma'am. Happy to help." He watched them walk away as the boy looked back at him, then to his mom. "Mommy, can we buy a merch of that hero?"

"Huh? Honey, he's a vigilante. I don't think there's any." The woman saw the disappointment in her son's face. "But maybe I could make you a plushie. Would that be okay?"

He saw the boy's face lit up as they walked out of his line of sight.

'A merch, huh? I don't think that's ideal. For a vigilante to have a merch is like saying villains have merch.' He thought as he went back to sneaking in the shadows to patrol.

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