Chapter 59 - Meian Merch?

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"Looks like she's taking a liking to you already, Izuku." Basil chuckled.

"To me? More like to my hair- ow, that kinda hurts!" Izuku squealed in pain as the lion cub licked his neck.

"Lions have a rough tongue. They have spikes pointed backwards on top of their tongue. It's to peel off the skin of their meal. Of course you'll feel pain if she licks you. Common knowledge, really." Ono said as he flew by.

"Well, I'm hoping she doesn't peel off my skin by accident. That would not feel nice." Izuku took the lion cub off of his head.

"Are we gonna name her?" Locco asked.

"Maybe. Anyone got name ideas?" Izuku asked.

The pack looked at each other and shook their heads. "Not really. We'll think of one later. Hey, look. We're here." Addison pointed out.

"Morana, Dexter! Are you here?" Izuku called out to them.

Hearing his voice, Dexter came running. "Woah! Who is that? So tiny!" He said when he saw the cub.

"Dexter! You're getting faster everyday. Good for you!" Izuku smiled.

Morana came shortly after. "Izuku, why do you have a cub on you?"

"This cub was abandoned. Fuli found her and checked around. No sign of the mother anywhere." Izuku explained. "Do you think she could join your pride? You'll take care of her, right? We can help."

Morana looked at the cub. "She is barely a month old. She still needs her mother's milk."

"I can make a replacement for that. It won't be as nutritious as a mother's milk, but it will do." Tucker said, firmly.

"What's her name?" Dexter asked.

"We haven't named her yet."

"Ooo, can we name her, mom?" Dexter pleaded.

"Well, alright. Let's see here." Morana seemed deep in thought. "I'm thinking of Nayla. I believe it means "I love you"." She finally settled.

'That name is really close to Nala.' Izuku looked at Kion. 'Seems like he's doing just fine.'

"I like it." Kion said. "So you accept her to be in your pride then?"

"Well, we are still a growing pride. We'll take in any lion who needs it. Besides, I think Dexter has already taken a liking to her." Morana looked at her son in pride.

"Then we'll leave her in your care. Thanks, Morana. See you tomorrow."


After doing the usual morning routine, Tucker made the replacement milk for the little cub. "Here you go, Izuku. Bring this to little Nayla."

"Hmm... I'll put it in a bottle so she can drink it easier." Izuku took it and put the liquid into a bottle. "There we go. I'll be going now. See you guys later."

Izuku went to the lions. As soon as Dexter saw him, he ran and tackled him. "Woah, hello there, King Dexter. How's your sister, huh? Doing good?" He ruffled his growing mane.


"Nayla is basically your sister now. Your mother is taking care of her, after all."

"Nayla's doing great! I think she's hungry though."

"This is why I'm here. Bring me to her?"

"This way!"

Izuku followed the excited lion to his mother, whose back became a pillow for the little cub.

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