Chapter 86 - What's Christmas Again?

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Disclaimer: I don't know how snow works... I don't have that here and never had experience with it. Bear with me because this is all from my imagination of what snow might be like.

Okay, that's really it. Enjoy 😊

"It's snowing again!!" Wink shouted. "It's raining snow again this year!" He went to Izuku's side. "Izuku! Izuku! Can you make the snow thingy again? Pleaseee??"

Izuku giggled. "It's only started raining snow, Wink. You'd have to wait for that."

"Okay... but what was it called again?"

"Snow cones. Though it lacks the cone... I put it into a cup. Anyhow, maybe it's better if we put a bucket to gather the fresh falling snow, shall we?"

Excited, Wink ran to grab a bucket, bringing it to Izuku. Izuku looked at the bucket. "Ah... we need to clean it first." He took the bucket. "Noah, do you think the river's still running?" He asked.

"Of course. It's only started to change to winter. Want me to come with you?"



"How come all of you wanted to come with me? We're only gonna clean a bucket." Izuku sweat-dropped.

"We don't want to leave you slipping or tripping again like last year. You tripped over nothing!" Everest reminded him in a scolding tone.

"That was one time!"

"No, it wasn't! It was like... over ten times! Sometimes I wonder how you get around the city without you falling everywhere every three seconds."

"Everest... don't be so mean... I can get around just fine! Woah-" He started to fall before Everest caught him.

"What was that you just said? You can't get around without me grabbing you when you fall?"

"Evy! It's slippery here... don't blame me!"

"I could totally blame you."

"Maybe it's your shoes, Izu?" Addison asked.

"My shoes?"

"Don't humans have shoes that's for water or something like that?"

"Oh, you mean boots. More specifically, rain boots. Uhh... I'll try to find some that's been thrown out, but still wearable. I don't think there's any though... Most shoes I found were ones that already have holes in them."

"It's called rain boots, not snow boots." Everest pointed out.

"There are also shoes called snow boots, but both are made of rubber so the person wearing them doesn't slip."

"Oh, then you should just take the rubber from the holed shoes and add the rubber to your shoes. That way you won't slip."

"Good idea, Addy. Well, the bucket's clean..."

"So we just have to leave it here, right?" Wink asked, excitedly.

"We'll dry it first, Wink. And then we put it out."

"Ooh, I can help with the drying." Locco came up to them.

Izuku held the bucket in front of him. Locco concentrated, lifting every drop of water from the bucket until it's completely dry.

"Nice. Thanks, Locco." Izuku petted him.

"Now we leave it here?" Wink asked again.

Izuku giggled. "It's better if we leave it near the cave, Wink. Don't you think so? You'll get it much faster after it's filled up with snow and we don't have to run back and forth with a heavy bucket of snow to carry."

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