Chapter 54 - Playing With Fire

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Touya was laying down on his bed, thinking about what Meian told him to. He was distracted by the kids at work so he couldn't properly think of a good answer.

He tried to think of an answer on his break, but the kids were too loud and it was distracting. He figured to just focus on his job first, then when he has actual free time, he'd think of a good answer.

Yet here he was. He has his free time, and he still couldn't think of a way for good revenge against his father that doesn't involve killing. He thought of a few good ones that could make him suffer, but he doesn't think that that was what Meian meant.

He started to panic. 'What do I do??? Meian is gonna come any minute now and I still don't have an answer! He's gonna think I'm a psychopath and kick me out!'

"Meian! Hi!" Hitoshi's voice snapped him out of his thoughts

'Oh no... he's here already... and I don't even have the answer yet...'

The murmurs came closer and clearer by the second. Touya heard a knock on his door.

'Oh, nonononono... What should I do? I don't wanna be kicked out...'

Meian knocked on his door again. "Touya? You okay? Can I come in?"

Touya reluctantly opened the door. "H-hi... Meian..."

"Are you okay, Touya? May I come in?"

"Y-yeah.. sure." He let Meian in.

Meian looked at Touya. "Touya, you're shaking. Sit down." He guided Touya to sit on the bed. "Is something wrong?" Touya shakes his head. "You can tell me anything, Touya. It's okay."

"I... I'm sorry..."

"Shh... What are you apologizing for?"

"I... I d-don't have... the answer..."

"The answer?"

"I... I don't know how to... to take revenge wi-without... killing... or h-hurting... I'm sorry..." Tears started to form in his eyes. "Y-you think I'm a psychopath, don't you... you're gonna kick me out..."

Hearing this, Meian quickly hugged the boy. "Touya, no. Stop. I don't think you're a psychopath and I will never kick you out. It's okay if you don't have the answer. I'm not mad, okay?"

Meian soothingly rubs Touya's back, calming him down. Touya tried so hard to hold back his tears, but Meian's acceptance made it hard. He put his arms around the vigilante's body.

"Shh... it's alright. I'm sorry if I gave you that idea. It was never my intention to put pressure on you. Okay, Touya? It's alright if you don't have the answer. I can help you with that, okay?"

Touya nods, not trusting his own words.

After he'd calmed down, Meian pulled from the hug. "You okay?"

"Y-yeah... sorry..."

"No... Touya, don't apologize." They both take a deep, long breath. "I think we both need to calm down for a second here..." Meian smiled.

"I... I want to know."


"How to take revenge without... killing or hurting."

"Oh... well... have you ever... thought of... forgiveness?"

Touya was taken aback. "W-what? You mean... you want me to forgive him? After all he'd done? I... I can't just forget about it all just like that!"

"I didn't say that, Touya. Forgiveness is not the same as forgetting. And you haven't heard what I'm suggesting to do with Endeavor if you're ready to forgive him."

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