Chapter 40 - Aizawa And The Pack

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Aizawa looked at the interaction of Meian and the pack. 'Looking at them... they don't seem that scary. They're just like dogs and an owner.' He looked at Kion and Tora. 'And he's just like a cat. Just... bigger.'

"We could postpone it to a later date, I guess." Aizawa heard Meian say.

'Hmm? Have I disturbed them from doing something? Oh, right... Meian said that one wolf, err... what's the name? Wink? Wanted to play...' He stood up and walked to them. "Y-you wanted to play, right? I'll be going now, then."

"Going where?" Meian asked.

"Err... home?"

"He's going home? But we haven't even played yet..." Wink whined.

"Hmm... you don't even know the way, do you?" Meian pointed out.

Aizawa thought back and realized that he doesn't. "N-no..."

"Hey, I have an idea! Why don't you come with us to the river? Just until dinner. You can play with Win- oh, wait... you're still scared of them, aren't you?"

"Well, seeing you interact with them made me think they're just like normal dogs. Not as scary anymore, I could say."

"Oh! Then you'll be fine! Let's go to the river!" As soon as he finished saying that, the wolves ran out, Tora climbed on Kion as they also ran out. Izuku was going to go as well when Aizawa stopped him.

"Are you sure I won't disturb you? I could go home now."

"It's fine, Aizawa. Besides, Tora still seems to want to play with Kion, don't you think? Wink also wants to play with you. Now, come on! Or else you'll be left behind again." He took Aizawa's hand and dragged him to the river.


Aizawa sat underneath a tree, watching all the animals play around. 'They seem to have so much fun. They don't look like predators when they're playing around like that.'

Everest looked towards him and came closer.

'W-what is happening...?'

Suddenly, Everest bit and pulled his scarf, revealing his yellow goggles. "H-hey! Why did you do that? Give me back my scarf!"

"Evy? What happened here?" Meian came over. "Why do you have Aizawa's scarf?"

"He just suddenly pulled it." Aizawa told him.

"I smelled your scent in there. I just... thought he took something from you. But that yellow thing... it is you that made it, right? How did he get that?"

"Did you forget? I gave it to him, Evy. I'm surprised you smelled my scent on that though. I gave it away months ago..."

"What are you talking about?" Aizawa asked, not understanding.

"Your goggles. Sorry he pulled your scarf. He was just curious. He smelled my scent and pulled your scarf to see."

"My goggles?" He took it off. "He smelled you on this?"

"Izuku!! Let's go play!!" Wink ran to them.

"W-Wink! Wait, stop!"

Wink ran too fast and couldn't stop in time. As a result, he accidentally knocked the goggles to the river.

"Ah, I'm so sorry!" Wink apologized. "I... I didn't mean to..."

Izuku sighed. "It's okay, Wink. Just be more careful next time."

"You say that, but how do we get those goggles back?" Aizawa asked.

"Oh, not to worry. Noah!" Izuku called and Noah came. "Can you get Aizawa's goggles please? It fell in the river. The color is yellow, so it should be easy to see."

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