Chapter 78 - The Weird New Hero

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Warning: Manga Spoilers

You have been warned.

Hawks spread out his feathers, surrounding the vigilante.

"Oooh, nice feathers, Mister Hawks. Wait, how old are you again?"

"Hey! I ain't that old! I am still eighteen, thank you very much!" He pouted.

'He sure acts like one too.' Meian thought. "Sorry, sorry. And you're a hero already? How is that possible?"

"That is of course, because I am the best hero!" He grinned.

"Hmm... you sure about that?" Meian questioned, glaring at him.

"Yeah, not really. It's just my quirk supports what I do very easily." Hawks rubbed the back of his head, a little flustered.

"These feathers?" Meian grabbed one. 'Isn't this the same kind of feather at the park?'

"Yep. My quirk is called 'Fierce Wings'. Pretty cool, right?"

"Each feather can hold one person, right? No wonder, the name fits it perfectly. Pretty sharp edges too. Do you think you can use it like a sword?" He glanced at his wings. "Ooh, maybe those two long ones." He pointed.

The hero looked back at his wings where Meian pointed.

'Gotcha!' Meian smirked. He jumped at the hero, getting a piggyback ride.

"Hey! What are you- BWAHAHAHAHA! S-STOP! STOP THAT!" Hawks couldn't control his laughter and he was tickled by his own feather Meian was holding.

"Do you promise not to catch me, Mister Hawks?" Meian asked, still tickling the hero.

Hawks lost control of his other feathers and it fell to the ground. "Y-YES! OKAY! I-I WON'T CATCH YOU! JUST PLEASE! S-STOP TICKLING ME!!"

Meian dropped the feather and got off of the hero's back. He giggled. "Looks like I won, Hawks."

"Gosh, kid. Do you do that with the other heroes you escaped from?"

"Well, I do mess with them a bit. Wait, did you just call me 'kid'? You don't even know my age!"

"Well, with how short you are, I couldn't help myself. By the way, were you really just messing with me the whole time, or do you really mean the sword thing? Cuz I think that's a pretty nice idea."

"Oh, that. It's up to you, really. I just blurted out what's on my mind at the time. Do you mind if I ask you some questions? I really want to know more about your quirk!"

"Nothing is free~~ What do I get?"

Meian pouted, thinking of a price. "How about I give you some tips to do with your quirk? I've been told I'm pretty creative with that."

"You already gave me one, and it was pretty creative, I admit. Okay, seems like a good trade." He said his thought process out loud.

"Well, for one, you could keep your thinking process in your mind. Or else the enemy knows what you're gonna do. Oh, and you're ticklish when your quirk is literal feathers. Try to endure it."

Hawks grinned. "Let's get you up, up, and away, shall we?"

"Huh? What do you- Woah! Hey!"

Hawks grabbed Meian and lifted him up, flying away. He landed on the roof of a very tall building.

"Wow, that's fast."

"Well, yeah. Of course I am. Though sometimes, I wanna go a bit slow."

"Now that you've kidnapped me, can you please tell me more about your quirk?"

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