Chapter 3 - Meeting All Might

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Day after day, Izuku and Bakugou's friendship grew once more. They were happy. They spar from time to time to improve their fighting, ate together, and basically did stuff best friends do.

Izuku was still bullied from time to time, though not physically, by the other classmates. It bugs him, but he can't do anything about it. He kept it to himself and hid it from everyone.

Hisashi finally allowed Izuku to fight another person, aka him, but they still used the punching bag. Izuku only fights Hisashi at the end of the training. They train and train.

Once, Izuku fell and broke an arm, but Hisashi still told him to fight.

"Izuku, villains won't care if you have a broken arm. So come on and fight! I promise we will go to the hospital after this, but you have to stay focused and fight."

Izuku did just that. As promised, Hisashi brought him to the hospital after that. Inko scolds him for being too hard on their son, but she understands the reason. She just has to be there for her son.

Hisashi and Inko also noticed the bruises their son has, but Izuku told them it was only an accident. They didn't believe that, but they couldn't do anything if their son didn't say anything. So they can only be there for him.

They noticed though, the bruises have gone down recently. They also noticed that Izuku looked happier. They felt relieved. Even though they never know what happens in school, at least Izuku looks a little bit happier.


The bullying has been very bad recently. Izuku didn't know why. He hadn't done anything differently. So why did they bully him more?

"Worthless Deku!" A bully said after school. "Why are you on our way? You're just a waste of space. Your food can be for someone else more worthy than you! Just go take a swan dive off the roof like Bakugou said!"

Izuku's heart sank. He didn't like that comment. 'Kacchan didn't know what it meant. And he has changed! He isn't like that anymore.'

He ran and took a long way home to clear his mind.

On the way there though, he felt something bad was going to happen.

Just as he wanted to run, a villain attacked him. A sludge villain went inside his mouth.

"Oooo... a child as a shield. It's better than nothing, I guess. Heroes wouldn't dare hurt a kid."

Izuku was terrified. He couldn't breathe. He looked at his enemy.

'It's all liquid. I can't fight it directly. What's it's weakness?'

"Don't worry, kid. This will only hurt for 45 seconds."

'Oh no. Only 45 seconds. Gotta find it quick!'

He quickly looked for a weakness.

'His eyes! It's solid!'

He grabbed one of the villain's eyes, pulling it out, and the sludge villain screamed, letting Izuku just a little bit out. But that little bit is enough for Izuku to breathe and go out of the villain's grasp.

"You little shit! That hurt!"

Izuku ignored it, grabbed a pebble near him, and threw it at the other eye of the villain. Somehow, it hits it.

Right after that, Izuku heard something he didn't expect.


All Might jumped in, looking at the damaged villain. He quickly finished the job and looked at Izuku.

"Did you do this, young ..."

Izuku was stunned. Finally realizing what the number one hero wants, and answered,

"Mi-Midoriya Izuku, All Might, sir!"

"AHAHAHAH! No need for formalities, young Midoriya. What you did was simply smart."

Izuku quickly grabs his hero notebook, looks for All Might's page, and asks him to sign. All Might is very amused by his page and signed where there aren't any writings.

"T-t-thank you. A-A-All Might, can you answer a question of mine?"

"Certainly, my boy! Ask away!" All Might said as he passed his hero notebook back.

"Do you think a quirkless person can be a hero?"

All Might thought about this for a second before answering, "I'm sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea. It's good to dream, but make it realistic, please. You are a smart kid and have plenty of time, I'm sure you can find something else." After that, All Might jumps away leaving Izuku with his thoughts.

Izuku's heart sank even more. He didn't think that his number one favorite hero would say that. With a heavy heart, he went home.


His parents were furious. Izuku told them about his meeting with All Might. They helped him clear out his room of All Might merch. Inko sat on the sofa with a crying Izuku, calming him down.

'He's still four for goodness sake! All Might! How can you break a boy's dream like that?' Hisashi thought to himself while clearing all All Might from Izuku's room.

Izuku's room is now clear of all All Might. He doesn't like him anymore. His new favorite hero is Eraserhead.

Izuku had done more research on heroes, underground heroes, villains, and even vigilantes. He wants to know every single thing about them. Their hero, villain, or vigilante name, their real name, quirk, how they fight, where they live, where they work, everything you can search about them, he searched for it and wrote them down.

Izuku is frustrated. He's researching his favorite hero, Eraserhead. Searching for something about him is HARD. He's a really good underground hero and keeps everything secret very well. But Izuku is an amazing searcher. He had found almost everything he wanted to know about him.

His real name is Aizawa Shouta. He works in UA high school as a homeroom teacher. His quirk is Eraser. He can temporarily erase quirks when he looks at the person. The drawback is having dry eyes. He uses a yellow goggle to cover his eyes so that the enemy doesn't know whose quirk he erased. He also uses a capture weapon to catch the enemy.

Feeling satisfied with today's search, Izuku goes to his dad and starts his training. Izuku is getting super good at fighting. He's super strong for a four years old kid. He's nearly five as well...

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