Chapter 29 - Torture

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Meian found himself in a dark room. It was pretty dark, but he was used to darkness. He can still see his surroundings clearly. He looked around.

'Huh? What's that?'

In the corner of the room, a big bird-like creature stood. Its skin was pale, like a person on their deathbed. Its eyes have no life, like it's already dead. All in all, this creature looks dead, but still alive?

Suddenly, its eyes looked at him. 'That's not creepy at all.'

"R-r-run." The creature stuttered with its human-like voice.


The creature dashed towards him and punched. Meian had barely dodged it. 'What the-?'

"P-p-please. I-I-I c-can't-"

Before it said anything else, the creature leaped towards him again. Meian dodged. 'He can't control himself? But if he can still talk...'

"Hey, are you okay? Can you tell me your name?"

"T-they c-c-call me N-Nomu."

'Nomu? No brain?'

While they were talking the fight was still going on. The creature had no control over its own body and kept throwing attacks at Meian. Meian kept dodging them by running.

"P-please, j-just r-r-run." The creature kept telling Meian to just run, run out the room. He couldn't though. He doesn't know where the door is. So he ignored that and kept dodging.

"Can I call you something else? Like... Ryuto?"

"I don't c-c-care! J-just r-run! I c-c-could k-kill y-y-you!"

"Don't you want control over your body again?"

"O-of c-c-course!"

"Then push through! If you can still talk to me, then you still have your will! Use that will to take control over your body!"

Meian stopped running around, but kept dodging.

"No! D-don't s-stop!"

"Come on, Ryuto! Take over your body!"

Meian got punched on his stomach. 'Ouch.'

After that punch, he couldn't dodge anymore. His rhythm had been interrupted and he couldn't get it back. He got punched over and over again.

"R-Ryuto..." Meian took a good look in the creature's eyes. He can see it. There was a tiny little light and it was panicking.


The creature punched and punched, over and over again. Meian was on the ground bruised all over the place.

'No. No. No. Not again! I don't want to kill again! Come on! Stop it! Stop!'

The creature felt a hand. A soft touch on his face.

"Calm down. Calm down and focus." He heard. He looked down. 'A smile? A genuine smile?'

"Focus, Ryuto. I know you want to take control. You just have to calm down and focus. You can do it."

'He gave me a name. No one's ever done that before. They just call me a monster. I... I need to stop. I can't kill the one who gave me a name... Come on. Focus! Alright... stop... punching!'

His arms stopped punching. He can finally move it! He took control!

"T-There y-you are. G-good job, Ryuto."

Meian looked at Ryuto's eyes again. The light is much brighter now.

"Y-you... you're..." Ryuto can't seem to find the words he wanted.

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