Chapter 41 - A Day Before

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Meian was sitting on the sofa, waiting patiently for Present Mic to come home. While waiting, he focused his mind on his surroundings to get some kind of grip of the place. That is also to keep up his senses.

When the door finally opened, Yamada was very surprised to see Meian sitting on his sofa. 'What the- How did he get in?? And what is he doing? Meditating?'

"Welcome back, Yamada." Meian startled the blond man.

"How did yo-"

"Nuh uh. Me first." Meian cut him off. He took a good look at him, and smiled. "He didn't reject you! Congratulations. Oh, if you wanted to ask how I got in, the window is unlocked."

"No, I'm pretty sure I locked all the windows and doors before I went out..."

"Simple, I unlocked it."


"I hacked UA's security system before. I think you can figure out how I opened a window. So... how do you feel? I was right, wasn't I? Are you guys a couple now?"

"Well, yeah. We are..." Yamada rubbed behind his neck. "Thanks... you gave Shou some advice, didn't you?"

"It's just something I do when I have to make a difficult choice." Meian looked around him. "Hey, I've noticed you have a room full of musical instruments. Do you play?"

"You've been sneaking around my house?"

"Not really. I sensed it."

"You sensed- you know what I'm not even gonna ask. Yes, I play some of them. Mostly the guitar, but not much anymore. They're just hobbies."

"Can I come here from time to time? Play the guitar?"

"You can play?"


"Sure. You can play the guitar, but play me something first."

"Right now?"

Yamada opened the door to the music room. "Yep. I need to know how you play so I know you won't break my precious guitar. It's a gift from my mother."

"I see..." Meian walked in the room. He looked around. 'Woah... This room is amazing.'

"Here you go." Yamada said, holding the guitar towards Meian. "Don't break it."

Meian took the guitar gently. "I won't." He sat down and strummed the guitar. 'Oh, it's a little out of tune.' After he tuned it, he started strumming.

"Hey, you're good. Even got the bar chords smooth. I had trouble with those."

"Thanks." Meian thought about his pack. 'With this, I could make a song for them without them even knowing! I'll come here every afternoon using my patrol hours in the day since the other pro heroes are already patrolling during that time.' He smiled to himself.


A few months have passed since then. Today is Izuku's tenth birthday and tomorrow is the fifth year he and the pack have been together.

"You okay, Izu?" Addison asked. "You seem a little out of it."

"Huh? Oh. I'm okay. Just thinking. It's been five years since my parents died. I've never once visited their grave. I don't even know where it is."

"I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help." Addison sat beside him.

"No, no. You and the others have been with me since they died. You guys are the most helpful at times like this." Izuku hugged her. Addison licked him as a way to comfort him.

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