Chapter 19 - The Abused and Bullied

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Nezu was walking around. He just wanted to. Is that so wrong? Maybe it is. Because he did not plan to be ambushed by three villains, who also happened to be bullies.

"What are you doing here? An animal like you doesn't deserve to have a quirk!"

"Yeah! Just go home to the sewer you came from, rat."

The bullying was normal. It was rare to see an animal have a quirk, and people don't like something different. But Nezu knew they were not there to just bully, and fighting head on is not his thing.

Just as he was starting to plan some kind of escape, a hooded figure jumped down to the shoulder of one of the villains. The movements are fast. In no time, the three villains were knocked out.

"You okay?"

Nezu quickly realized that this hooded figure was Meian.


Meian was jumping from roof to roof when he heard some muffled noises. He quickly ran to where the voices were.

"An animal like you doesn't deserve to have a quirk!"

'Oh... three villains, bullying an animal.' He looked at the said animal, but couldn't see clearly due to darkness. He just saw that the animal is white and small.

"Yeah! Just go home to the sewer you came from, rat."

'Man, I hate bullies.' He jumped down to one of the villains kicking his pressure point. He reached both his arms out and chopped the other two villain's pressure points. He knocked all the villains in no time at all.

He looked back at the animal he had just saved, "You okay?"

Now that he was in front of him, he knew who the animal was.

'Shit! Nezu! Gotta go...'

"Well, it looks like you're fine. Bye-bye!" He ran ahead to an empty park he used to play in and sat on a bench to gather his thoughts.

'Oh man... I just came across Nezu! How did I not realize it before! I'm not ready to face him yet!' He took several deep breaths.

'Okay. I'm calm.' It was at that time, he realized that someone was going in the park. He didn't have to look, he knew it was Nezu.

"Hello, Meian. May I sit here?"

"Why are you asking me? You can sit anywhere you like, you know."

Nezu sat beside him, "Are you not going to flee?"

"Figured you have something to say if you followed me."

"Can we not just have a chat?"

"Aren't we not doing that already? So what do you want to ask?"

"I wanted to thank you for saving me."

"I would do it for anyone. I told you, I wanted to be a hero. Plus... I hate bullies." He thought about his former bullies when he was still in preschool. "That isn't all you wanted to tell me, is it?"

"I can't help but notice that you have not hacked my improved security."

"I haven't tried."

"Why is that?"

"I have other things to do too, you know. I don't have all the free time in the world."

"Are you scared?"

"Scared of what?"


"Nah. Not scared of that."

Moonlit Pack: A Quirkless Vigilante's PursuitWhere stories live. Discover now