Chapter 81 - New People

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Izuku sat on the bench in the park, enjoying observing the people there.

'There are a lot of toddlers today.' He observed. 'I guess it is a nice day to go out.' He looked up at the sky. 'Not too hot, not too cold. The sun is out, but covered by the fluffy looking clouds.'

He closed his eyes. 'The breeze is quite nice too.' He smiled, listening to the children's laughter.

Suddenly, a pair of small hands held his knees. "Hmm?" He looked down.

A small girl with short white hair looked up at him.

"Well, hello there, little miss. How are you today?" He brought his hand to rub the girl's cheek.

The girl smiled and giggled. "Bauba!"

"Eri-chan~ Oh, have you found a friend?" A man, most likely her father, came to the girl's side.

"Bauba!" The girl points to Izuku.

"What? Nono, Eri-chan. I'm your papa, you silly girl." He picked her up and sat down next to Izuku.

"What's your name, boy?"


The man laughed. "No need to be so nervous, boy. Eri-chan here likes you, even calling you her papa when I'm her father." He laughed. "I'm your papa, okay, sweetie?" He looked at the girl.

"Bauba." She put her hand on his face.

"Yes, that's right. I'm your papa." He giggled, then turned to Izuku. "She just started to walk a few days ago. She's a fast learner, aren't you, Eri-chan." He turned back to his daughter.

"Zoom zoom!" Eri put her hands up.

"Yes, that's right! Zoom zoom, Eri-chan!" He stood up, Eri in his arms. "Well, let's get back to mama and grandpa, okay?"

He started to walk away, but Eri whined and cried. "Hmm? Eri, what's wrong?" She made grabby arms towards Izuku. Izuku, having no experience in this, just blinked.

The man looked back. "Do you want to come with us, boy? Our family is just over there." He pointed to his family.

"Are you sure, sir? I don't want to intrude on your family time."

"Nonsense! Eri likes you and apparently doesn't want to leave you." He put Eri into Izuku's arms. "Come on, now. If you can't pick her up, then just hold her hand while she walks by herself. She needs to put it into practice anyway."

Izuku looked at the girl's eyes. 'Red... like Kacchan's.' He smiled. "What do you want to do, Eri-chan? Walkies or upsies?"


"Okay, walkies it is." He put her down on the ground, holding her hand. They followed the man to their family. There was an old man and a woman.

'Hmm? The old man looks familiar...'

"Hey, dad, babe."

"Hey, son." The old man looked towards Izuku. "Who are you, boy? You've got my granddaughter in your hand there."

"I'm Izuku, sir. I'm sorry to intrude on your family outing." He bowed. Eri looked at him and tried to copy him, bowing.

"Oyaya, Eri dear, you don't have to bow to your grandpa." He laughed, petting her head.

'Oh, I remember now. He's the old man who was with the teen with the mask and gloves.'

"Izuku, right?" The woman asked and he nodded. "You don't have to be so formal, boy. We're just a small family, nothing special. I'm Kumiko Chisaki. You've met my husband-"

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