Chapter 66 - Broken

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Meian walked the streets in the night, thinking of the many ways Hikari and Yoru could do with their quirk.

"H-hey! Get off me! What do you think you're doing, you crazy old man?!" He heard from not too far away. He quickly went to investigate.

He saw a girl, most likely his age, standing her ground against what seemed to be a drunk man.

'Oh, man. This isn't gonna go well... I'm not good with someone who's not sober...' Izuku thought to himself.

When he saw that the man was going to hit her, he ran in and defended her.

"Hey, don't you know it's not nice to hit girls?" He spoke so casually.

"Hah?! Who the hell are you? This is none of your business! Besides, I was only saying hello to the little girl. It isn't safe to walk in the night all alone now, is it?" The man eyed the girl.

"Saying hello, huh? You've said it, haven't you? Now run along. Let the girl be." Meian looked around, also while keeping an eye on him. 'Oh, nice. A camera.'

"What? And let her be alone again? Now that would just make me not a gentleman. You, on the other hand, should take on your own advice and run along."

Meian noticed the man taking a step that could lead to a fight. 'He's drunk. Meaning that he'll be clumsy on his steps. I just hope he can at least control his quirk...'

"Hey, can you hide?" He whispered to the girl. "I'm worried if his quirk goes out of control."

The girl nodded and went to a place to hide. Unfortunately, the man saw.

"Hey, hey! Where are you going? You'll be all alone again!" He started to walk towards her, but Meian stopped him. "Tch. You're really starting to annoy me."

"Really? Thank you." Meian responded cheerfully.

The man scowled. "You asked for it!" He went to throw a punch. Meian dodged it, but he didn't expect a sharp shard of ice to form and cut his shoulder.

'His quirk... it's gonna go out of control... I need to finish this quickly. I really don't wanna use that trick on anyone...' Meian winced.

He attacked the man, but every blow he gave, he blocked it.

"Hah! You're no match for me!" The man threw punches, along with sharp icicles.

'I could use this!' Meian grabbed a few of the icicles on the ground. "Gee, thanks for giving me weapons to use." He smirked.

"Argh. Just let me get to the girl! I'm probably doing her a favor anyway! How could anyone see her as a woman when she acts and dresses like a boy?!"

'People still think like that? Really?' Meian ignored the comment, but to his horror, the man switched his focus from him to the girl.

"Fine! If I can't have the girl, you can't have her either!" He shot a huge icicle to where the girl was hiding.

Meian knew he's not going to be fast enough to get the girl out of the way, so he took what was available, which just turned out to be a metal door, and threw it to set the icicle off course.

Fortunately for him and the girl, the icicle broke into pieces when the door came into contact. 'Huh, I guess it isn't as strong as I thought.'

Seeing the man was surprised and was stupidly just staring at the shattered ice, Meian took the advantage and knocked him out on his pressure point.

He sighed in relief and went to check on the girl. "Are you alright? Feel any pain anywhere?"

"I think I'm fine. Thank you for saving me."

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