Chapter 99 - Stupid heroes

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Present Mic was hanging around in the teachers' lounge, on edge. It was the first day of class for new students. He knew his husband was not happy with the current class Nezu gave him.

"Oy, Mic. What's getting you on edge? It's the first day of class and you haven't even taught yours yet." Vlad asked him, curious. "Is there a villain in your mind?"

"No, it's just Shouta."

"What? You had a fight with him or something?"

"No, it's the first day of class, Vlad. You know? His quirk apprehension test? He doesn't like any of the students he got this year. It's terrifying."

Vlad King frowned. "You don't think he'll expel the whole class, do you? That's just crazy."

"Honestly, I think he will... you weren't there with him last night."

The door slammed open just then, making all the teachers there look at the person who opened it.

"Well, shit." Vlad cursed.

Aizawa stomped his way over to his seat, slamming down a stack of paper, and sighed loudly.

"Shou...? Um, how was your class...?" Present Mic asked quietly, not wanting to trigger his husband more.

"Hmm? I'm sorry, what class?" Shouta has a dark tone to his voice.

Present Mic gulped. "Uh, class 1-A?"

As he said that, Shouta chuckled dryly. "There is no class 1-A this year. Zero fucking potential. All of them! Now, excuse me while I fill in all these expulsion forms."

Present Mic and Vlad King looked at each other, agreeing to leave him alone for the time being.


"Aizawa, so you've come. How many this time?" Nezu asked as Aizawa walked into his office.

"There is no class 1-A this year, Nezu. They have no potential, some are even overly perverted, and that is downplaying it." Aizawa sighed, dropping a stack of paper on Nezu's desk and sitting down.

He rubbed his eyes. "What the fuck is wrong with this year's generation? It's like the term 'hero' has lost all its meaning."

Nezu followed in his sighing. "That is true."

"Meian came to observe my test earlier." Aizawa informed.

Nezu nodded. "I saw the card was used earlier. What did he think?"

"He was so disappointed. He said that some students even discriminate against other students in the general course because of their quirks. Quirk discrimination! In UA, Nezu! This is supposed to be a hero school. How come the students are discriminating?!"

"Do you think some heroes don't discriminate against weaker quirks?" Meian came through the window, the two heroes looking down at the ground. "I know some heroes are just for fame, while behind the camera they take advantage of what they have."

Meian sat down next to Aizawa. "Most don't like vigilantes either, even when they have done nothing but good deeds, heroes treat them like villains all the same. Some civilians used their quirk accidentally, yet the hero on the scene thought they're a vigilante and cause a scene. I asked Nao about it. He said there are over 200 cases like that. And that's only the cases he has."

The two heroes are silent, not knowing what to make of that information.

"So, what are you going to do this year, Shouta? You have no class. I have a feeling Vlad King isn't willing to give you some of his students. Are you going to let some students from general get into hero class?" Meian asked.

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