Chapter 112 - Feliciano and Yorokobi Daycare

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Feli held Cyrus' hand as he found the daycare he was looking for. "Come on, bambino." He had turned to using sweet nicknames. The girl seemed to like it.

Cyrus held his hand tighter, not moving.

Curious, he crouched. "You alright, sweetie?"

"Are you going to leave me?"

"What? No, of course not. Why do you think that?"

"We're walking into a daycare..."

"Ah, I see. I'm only going to leave you at this daycare for a few hours. If I tell you why, would you feel better?" He asked as he tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Mhm..." She nodded.

"I have to go somewhere where you can't come yet. I promise I will come back to pick you up."

Cyrus curled her lips, still unsure.

"Okay, here." Feli took his backpack off and handed it to the girl. "How about you keep this safe for me? There's a lot of important things there. Will you trust me to come back for you and the bag?"

Cyrus looked at him, then the bag. "Okay, Mister Feli. I trust you." She smiled.

Feli nodded. "Shall we go in then?"

"Can I help you?"

Cyrus jumped at the new voice, hiding behind Feli.

Feli looked at the man, protecting Cyrus.

"Sorry... I work here." The black haired man has scars visible all over his face and arms. "I saw you out here for a while. Do you need us to take her in for a while?" He gestured to Cyrus.

'This guy works in the daycare?' Feli blinked. "Sorry for asking, but with those scars, aren't the kids scared of you?"

The man laughed. "Oh, yeah. New kids are usually scared of me. I can't really help my appearance. After a while they get used to me though. Seeing me play with the other kids helps out a bit too." He held out a hand. "I go by Dabi here. Nice to meet you."

Feli shook his hand. "No real name?"

Dabi smiled, but didn't answer.

Feli nodded. "You can call me Killian then."

Cyrus looked up at him confusingly.

"This is Cyrus. I'd like to leave her here for a few hours."

"You may come in and write down your name, your child's name, and what time you will pick her up on the book near the entrance." Dabi said, guiding them in.

Feli picked Cyrus up, walking in.

"Why are you lying about your name?" She whispered.

"Dabi didn't say his, so I didn't tell mine."

"So why did you tell him my name?"

"Because if he calls you by another name and you don't respond, he will be confused."

Understanding, Cyrus nodded.

After writing down the needed information, Cyrus went to introduce herself to the other kids there.

"You can pay when you pick her up." Dabi said.

Feli frowned. "That's dangerous."

"Usually we'd ask the parents to leave one important thing here to make sure they come back. But you already left your bag with your child."

"That's interesting. Well then, I trust her in your care."

"Thank you very much."


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