Chapter 27 - Must Come To An End

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Hello! There will be an addition to the writing. The addition will be for Italic: when Izuku contacts Everest.

So once again,
Italic —> Izuku contacts Everest

A knock was heard on the door of Touya's room.

"Touya, can I come in?"

"Hito? Of course." As soon as he said that, the door opened. "You had another nightmare?"

Hitoshi walked inside Touya's room to see not only Touya, but Meian as well. "Y-yeah... Hi Meian. Are you talking business?"

"We were, but now we're done. Come here." Meian said, opening his arms.

Hitoshi ran up to his embrace.

"Was it the bullies again?" Meian asked, stroking Hitoshi's back, comforting the boy.

"Mhm. I was back there. I was so scared..."

Shinsou had grown a bit since Meian  saved him. But even though Meian was shorter and smaller than him, he was the smaller person in this position. His head laid right on the vigilante's chest.

"There, there. It's okay now. No one is going to hurt you anymore. Not while I'm around."

"You should probably take him to his room. He'll be more comfortable there." Touya said to Meian.

"How many times has this happened?" Meian asked.

"Almost every night..."

"I see... Come on, Hitoshi. Let's go to your room."

Meian and Hitoshi went to the room mentioned. Meian noticed that the speaker was still playing his lullaby.

"Hitoshi, if that song isn't working anymore, you can't force it to do what it did."

"I know, but it's so calming. I like playing it in the background while I do other things." Hitoshi told him.

"I see..."

Hitoshi curled up on his bed, while Meian sat beside him.

"Meian... how can I forget them? How can I forget those bullies? How can I forget my parents?"

"Hitoshi... to be honest, you will never forget about them. I was bullied too. I can never forget them no matter how hard I try."

"Then... h-how do you deal with them? So that I can move on? I know I'm safe, but they're still in my head."

"Well, I didn't really do anything. I'd just... deal with them myself. It's very unhealthy, I know that now. Do you want to know how I deal with them now?"

Hitoshi nodded to answer.

"Family, friends. That's how. I have their support." He doesn't really have to deal with them anymore, but if he does have to, he knows he can count on the pack. "You have me and Touya. Do you trust that we will be there for you when you need us?"

"Yes. You're the first person to be here for me. Then Touya takes care of me everyday."

"Then you have nothing to worry about. Those nightmares will go away eventually. Now, sleep."

"Meian... can you stay until I fall asleep? I don't really want to be alone..."

"Of course. I'll stay."


Meian went to Bakugou's room to see his friend already asleep. He went to write on the book.

'Hey, here to tell you that I'll be gone for a few days. Sorry.'

'There. Now just to go back home to tell them the plan. That is if they're still awake. Hope they're okay with it...'

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