Chapter 105 - Teaching The Hero About The Quirkless

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Hawks followed Meian to the forest where they had their conversation before. Wondering why Meian likes to go there so much.

"Hey, Meian. Why are we going to the forest again?" Hawks asked. 'He said I can ask anything, right?'

"That would require an answer that requires privacy. So the short answer is to have privacy." Meian answered.

"Aren't you scared of being jumped by a tiger or a snake or something?"

"Mm, nah. They're not scary."

Hawks tilted his head. 'He's so mysterious right now.'

"Hey, Hawks? Can you save the questions for when we get there? I can't answer much here."

"Ah, okay."


They finally arrived in the forest, but Meian went deeper than last time before taking off his hoodie.

"Okay, what do you know about quirkless people?" Izuku asked.

"Nothing much." Keigo rubbed the back of his neck, a little nervous.

"There are 20% of the population in the world who are quirkless." Meian started. "That means 80% of them have quirks."

"I know math... you don't have to say that." Keigo pouted.

"Keigo, what do you think happened to the 20%? Why have you never met at least one in your life before today?"

Keigo blinked. "Uh, I don't know... Kanai-san said something about a part of society that I haven't seen yet?"

Izuku curled his lips. "People don't like when someone is different. You know Nezu, right?"

"The principal of UA, yes, I know him." Keigo nodded.

"He is an animal with a quirk. People don't like that, so they do experiments on him. Bullies him for being the only one different from the others. Quirkless people... are almost the same."

Keigo was quiet, processing the information.

"They are seen as lesser than people with quirks, therefore they are bullied, ridiculed, and thrown away like they aren't even human. What do you think those quirkless people do when society doesn't accept them since they are 4 years old?"

"They... hide away?"

"Perhaps. But for most, it's worse. They turn to end their life. Just end the suffering. Find an easy way out. No one will remember them anyway, right? No one will miss them."

"No, don't say that..." Keigo gritted his teeth.

"It's the reality that we live in, Keigo. We can't escape it unless someone is brave enough to step up to stop it." Izuku looked at him seriously. "Being quirkless myself, I'll do what I can."

Keigo whipped his head to look at the green haired boy. "You're quirkless? All this time? Were you shut out by society too? What about your parents? Your family? You were sparring with a friend the other day, right? Was that really just that?"

Izuku smiled. "Thank you for worrying about little quirkless me, Keigo. It means a lot. I can tell you my story, but we can go to a more comfortable place, can't we?"

Keigo was about to answer when he saw a wolf behind Izuku. He quickly reached out to him, pulling him behind his back and making a stance.

"Basil! You came!" Izuku escaped from Keigo's back, hugging the wolf.


"Don't worry, Keigo. She's my family. Her name is Basil. I can explain more in the cave I live in."

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