Chapter 74 - Shigaraki?

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Winter was almost over, but it was still cold. Dabi was about to walk into the League of Villains' hideout when Shigaraki slammed the door open and stormed out.

Confused, Dabi walked in. He saw Kurogiri. "Hey, Kuro. Did something happen? Why did Shiggy storm out looking... angry?"

Kurogiri sighed. "I was hoping you wouldn't see that side of him."

"What side?"

"This happens every few months or so. He'd... have some stuff in his mind and he needed to get away. Not to worry though, he'll always come back."

'Some stuff in his mind? I wonder what it is...' Dabi wondered. "Wait, he wasn't wearing a coat! It's still cold out even though winter's ending."

"He doesn't have a coat, Dabi. He'll be fine."

"He'll freeze to death! I'm going after him." Dabi turned, but Kurogiri stopped him.

"Stay put. He just needs to cool down. He'll be back."

Dabi wasn't sure about that, but Kurogiri's tone of voice doesn't make any room for arguments. So he did what he was told.


'I really hope no one recognizes me... especially those who despise the quirkless. It's two times already now. Why do I show my face in the first place?' Izuku walked around, thinking while observing his surroundings, looking for any trouble he could help.

Then he heard someone. It wasn't a very pleasant sound, so he decided to check it out.

'Why is it always in alleys that I find something happening?' He sighed, standing beside the alley. The sound was coming from there. He peaked over the side.

'Is that... Shigaraki?? No doubt that's him. No one else has hands all over their body. What is he doing he-' He stopped his thoughts when he realized he wasn't in a good condition. Shigaraki was shivering.

He didn't waste any time. He was glad he picked up an old coat that someone threw away.

He went to Shigaraki's side and put the coat on him. "Here, you were shivering..." He was about to leave when he realized that shivering isn't the only bad condition.

"Hey, slow breaths. You're hyperventilating." He grabbed his hand. "Come on, follow me. Breathe in, breathe out, in, out. Yes, easy does it, there you go."

Izuku tightened the coat around him. 'What happened to you?' He wondered. "Are you okay now?"

"Why... Why are you helping me? Who are you? Aren't you... scared of me?"

Izuku chuckled. "Okay, one question at a time. Why am I helping you? Well, you looked like you needed help. Everyone helps someone who needs help, right?"

Shigaraki was silent for a moment. "Not everyone."

'Did not expect that answer.' Izuku curled his lips. "Who Am I?" He thought of the beating he had gotten from everyone. "It doesn't really matter..."

He sat down beside him. "Am I scared of you? Maybe... you do look scary, but you also look scared. Why should I be scared of someone who's also scared?"

Shigaraki glanced at him. "You're different."

Izuku freezed.

Shigaraki let out a breath. "I like that."

Izuku looked at Shigaraki in awe. "If I may ask... what are you doing here?"

"Ah... every once in a while I get frustrated. Thinking about my past."

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