Chapter 38 - What Just Happened?

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Aizawa woke up later than usual that morning. 'I... overslept. Good thing it's the weekend... What happened yesterday?'

Aizawa walked out to see someone asleep on his sofa. "Hi-Hizashi?"

He walked closer to him. "Zashi, wake up. What are you doing in my house?" He tried to wake him up.

He remembered the question Meian asked. He blushed, 'I do like him... don't I...? I just kept denying it.'

"Oh, good morning, Aizawa. How are you feeling?" Meian suddenly spoke, appearing from the kitchen.

"Meian, what-"

"I see you've found Yamada... he's been worrying about you ever since I called him."

"Worrying about me? Meian, what exactly happened last night?"

"You don't remember?" Meian walked closer and put his hand on Aizawa's forehead. "Well, your temperature is normal now, and you don't seem to be sick anymore. Are you sure you don't remember?"

Aizawa thought back to last night. "I only remember having a headache on patrol. Everything else is fuzzy."

"Let me refresh your memory then. According to your cats, you came home warmer than usual. Tora noticed you were getting worse, so she tried to stop you from going out, but then you got angry at her. Then on patrol, I found you, looking very horrible by the way. You were breathing very heavily and your face was all red. I took you home and called Yamada to ask what happened, but then he came before I got to ask. He was really worried. I eventually found out what happened. I gave you a medicine my family made and told you to get some rest. I took over your patrol, so you needn't worry about that. That's about it, really."

"All that happened? And that's why Zashi is in his pajamas in my house?"

"Oh, yeah. You still owe Tora an apology! She was worried sick about you, you know?? And you were a heartless owner for getting angry at her when she worries about you." Meian pointed his finger, angrily, to Aizawa's chest.

"R-right..." Aizawa said nervously. 'Geez, this guy is scary when he's angry.'

"Anyway, I think you should wake your friend up. I made breakfast for both of you." Meian said leaving them, going back to the kitchen.

Aizawa sighed and looked at his sleeping friend. 'Cute...' He shook the thought out of his head. 'Now, how to wake him up without much effort...'

He took part of Yamada's hair, and tickled his ear with the tip of it. "Kyaa!! Shou, what the heck?! I thought it was a bug!!" Yamada woke up, covering his tickled ear with both of his hands.

Then he realized, "Shouta! You're awake!" He hugged him, much to Aizawa's surprise. "You idiot! Why did you go out when you're sick?! I was so worried when Meian called me! Don't ever do that again, you big idiot!"

"You're too loud, Zashi... it's too early for this. Sorry I worried you..." He mumbled the last part.

Tora and Yua woke up due to the ruckus that was happening. Seeing Aizawa up and about, Yua ran and nuzzled him. Meanwhile, Tora just stared from afar.

Aizawa remembered what Meian said about apologizing to Tora. He got Yamada off of him and called her. "Tora, come here girl." He stretched out his arm.

Tora slowly came over. Her head was low.

"I'm sorry. I'm not angry anymore. I shouldn't have been angry at all..." He petted the small kitten as she meowed. "I'm sorry I worried you."

"Hey, are you gonna eat or not?" Meian poked his head out of the kitchen door. "Oh, morning, Tora, Yua. Morning to you too, Yamada."

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