Chapter 32 - Tora's Back Story

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This chapter is just to get you an idea of Nala/Tora's perspective. You can skip it if you want.

Nala had fallen into the darkness. She knew she was dead. She really felt bad about leaving Kion, Izuku, and all the wolves, but what can she do? It was already her time, and she accepted that.

She felt the pain go away. What she didn't expect is for her to feel cold. She felt like it was dirt under her. But that doesn't make sense. How can she feel anything when she's dead?

She tried to open her eyes, but it won't open. So she tried to move and surprisingly, she can! She felt warmth, so she went to where that is and fell asleep.

When she woke up, she felt the warmth was no longer there. She meowed. She doesn't know why, but she did. She was hungry. She wanted to eat, but how is she going to hunt without vision? She remembered Kion. How is he doing? Is he alright? Can he go hunting by himself?

She felt a touch that made her flinch and pushed all her thoughts to the back of her mind. It felt like a human hand, but it's not Izuku. Izuku's is much softer and this hand is rough. And why is it so big? Come to think of it, she felt so small. What was going on?

She felt like she was being picked up. 'Am I that easy to be picked up by a human?'

When she was put down, she felt something soft under her.

"I hope you feel comfortable in your new cat bed." She heard the human say. 'Cat bed? I am a tiger and tigers are basically big cats, but a cat bed? Isn't it too small for a tiger? It does feel comfy though.'

She felt another presence. 'Feels like another cat, but much bigger than me. Where exactly am I?'

"Hey, who are you? My name's Yua." She felt the bigger cat sniffing her.

"Yua, this is going to be your little sister. Be nice, okay girl?"

"A sister? Alright human. What's her name then?"

While the two were chatting, she thought about some things. 'Am I alive? If I am, will I be able to go back? Izuku is taking care of Kion, right? I shouldn't worry too much.'

"Since your fur looks like a tiger, I'm going to call you Tora. That's easy enough to remember."

'Tora? Who's that?'


After a few days, she could finally open her eyes. She looked at herself. 'Wow, I really am small...' She looked at her surroundings. The human is nowhere to be seen, but the bigger cat is by the window. 'Looks like she hasn't noticed me.'

She looked at her cat bed. 'Soft...'

"Hey! You opened your eyes! Hi, Tora! You can see me now!" Nala looked at the big cat who is now looking at her very... very closely.

"Hello? Yua, right?" She said nervously. She hasn't felt this small since her mother pinned her down when training.

"Oh my gosh, human is still out. He needs to know this!"

"Who is human?"

"I... don't really know. He never said his name, so I just call him human. He's really nice though. He saved me from living in the streets and gives me food everyday."

As Yua kept talking about the human, Nala thought about the last memory of her previous life. 'Kion... and Izuku... they were crying last time I saw them... I wonder how they're doing now...'

"Tora? Tora!"

"Huh? What?"

"You spaced out, Tora."

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