Chapter 12 - I Saw Eraserhead!

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It's been a month since Izuku's birthday.

It's been a month since Izuku went missing.

And it's been a month since Bakugou lost his friend.

Apparently, the police officers declared that Izuku is dead after a month of unsuccessful searching because the files said that the child is quirkless, and closed the case. After all, what quirkless kid can survive a month alone?

Bakugou doesn't believe it, 'Deku is strong, even though he's quirkless. He's not dead. He will come back someday, right?'

His heart is telling that over and over, but his mind believed the news. His friend is dead. Bakugou couldn't handle thinking about it, 'I'll be the best hero. You'll see. I'll train and be the best.'

He remembered that Izuku was always observing, 'I'll do it for you.'

He went to the park. Alone. He doesn't want to have any friends unless they're worth it... like Izuku. And none of his classmates are worth it. They just followed him around because of his quirk.

He sat on the bench, looking at all the other kids playing, 'Tch, what does Deku see in this thing... what did he...' he remembered the notebooks. 'Quirks. I'll do that then.'

A few moments later, 'I don't see anything out of the ordinary... Just what is so interesting about them, Deku?'

Bakugou couldn't do what his friend did. He tried, but isn't interested. He went to Izuku's house.

'This house has been empty for a month... it's abandoned...'

Bakugou went in, and searched Izuku's room. There's wrapping papers everywhere. One of them was the wrapping paper of his present to his friend.

'He took the knife. I don't see his notebooks anywhere. No first aid kit either. Did he really run away, and died...? Tch.'

He went back to his house and locked himself in his room. He took his album again, and thought about his friendship with Izuku.

After a while, he went to the training room and started training. He's putting all of his anger and frustration into all of the punches he sent. Then he went back to his room.

'Huh? The heck is this?' He looked at the book on his bed and opened it.

'What the fuck? Someone is fucking stalking me. Err... whatever, I'll just write something. What's the worst that could happen?'

He grabbed his pencil and started writing,

'Who the fuck are you? Don't fucking stalk me, it's fucking creepy.'

After that, he put the book on the desk and went to bed.


'He wrote something!' Izuku had been waiting for his friend to write.

'I'll go around the city a bit, I'll come back to answer him after. He'll be asleep then.'

He went around the city. It didn't take long. There were a few thieves running around, but that's it. He just knocked them out and brought them in front of the police station.

He went back to Bakugou's house, and looked at what his friend wrote.

'Well, same old Kacchan, I guess.'

He wrote his reply,

'I can't really tell you who I am. Just know that I'm here only to help. I know the look on your face, and by the looks of some other stuff, you've lost someone. May I know the name? I know some people, maybe I know who you've lost.'

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