Chapter 118 - A New Chapter Begins!

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"Sorry to ask this of you, Meian... Guess I'm still nervous." Touya rubbed the back of his head.

Meian looked at his appearance. "I thought your normal hair was colored red... and why are you wearing a mask?"

"I... thought it wouldn't scare my mom off too much if I at least looked a bit like before I ran away... The mask is to hide the scars. I don't really know what happened to my hair, it just started going white."

"Doesn't that usually happen to old people though? Like waaay older than you?"

"Oy, don't call me an old man just yet." Touya huffed.

Meian giggled. "Okay, sorry. Are you dropping off the chocolates for your siblings before this?"

"Oh, I've done that already. I just need your support to meet mom..."

"Okay, then let's go."

Together, they walked to the hospital where Todoroki Rei was.

"How do you usually get in her room?"

"I climbed in through the window..."

Touya blinked. "Meian, a hospital is tall as fuck, you know that, right? What floor is she even on?"

"She's near the top floor, so I usually just climb all the way to the roof and then make my way down."

"You're crazy..." Touya huffed. "Have you thought of how I'm gonna get there?"

"You can go the same way I do, no? I promise it's not as dangerous as it sounds. It's not like I can stick to walls."

"Well... that's true... Alright, I'll trust you."


Touya gasped for his breath as they reached the rooftop of the hospital. "I can't comprehend how you effortlessly leap from one building to another every single day."

Meian giggled. "Well, it's not really 'effortless' as you say. I practice a lot. Do you need to take a break? Calm your heart down before going to her room?"

"Yeah... Please let me at least not be out of breath."

"Okay, take your time. I'll come back in a few minutes."

"Wha- Meian, where are you going?"

"I'm gonna talk to your mom first. I figured I can let her know you're coming." Meian smiled. "See you in a bit, Touya."


Meian knocked on Todoroki Rei's window, and a few minutes later, she opened it.

"Well, nice to see you, Meian." Rei's smile greeted him. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Sorry to come at such a late time. Did I wake you at all?"

"Well, you did wake me up, darling. It's almost midnight."

"Sorry... I have something special for you though."

"Do you now? Hmm, I wonder what it is?" Rei hummed in curiosity.

"Someone finally wants to visit you."

"Visit me? At this time?" Rei blinked, tilting her head. "I don't need to dress up, do I?"

Meian chuckled. "You look fine just the way you are, Rei."

"My, such a charmer, aren't you?"

"I can go get him now, if you don't mind?"

"Okay, dear. I'll be waiting."

A few minutes later, Meian came in again. "Uh, little thing. He's a bit nervous to see you. He doesn't really know what to say because it's been so long since he's talked to you or seen you at all."

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