Chapter 83 - Another Quirked Animal

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"Meian where are you going? Aren't you gonna open the door?" Touya asked as he saw Meian going to the table.

"I'll just sit over here. This is your house, remember? You should open it." He said, sitting down on the chair.

Touya blinked, then shrugged and turned to the door to open it.

When he opened the door, no one was there. "Uh... hello?" He looked outside, left and right. He saw a blond haired girl trying to hide, but failing so badly. "Umm... hi there. Were you the one who knocked?"

"Uh, hi! Yeah, I was the one who knocked... umm..."

"Would you like to come in?"

"If you... don't mind a stranger going in..."

"We've been expecting you actually. What's your name?"

"Toga... Himiko..." Once again, she was shocked to hear that they were expecting her.

"Well, Toga-chan, I'm- just call me Touya. Come on in."

He led the girl inside as she followed.

"Hitoshi, this is Toga Himiko. Toga-chan, this is Shinsou Hitoshi." Touya introduced them to each other.

"Hello." Hitoshi smiled.

"Hi..." Toga looked around. Her eyes fell onto the hooded person sitting down, looking at her.

"Glad to see you inside the house, Toga-chan."

Toga pouted, seeing him. "You're a meanie! Why would you leave me like that?!?" She punched him multiple times, but Meian blocked all of them.

From Touya and Hitoshi's point of view, it looked like they were just play fighting, so they let them be and just smiled.

"Toga-chan, don't you want to get to know your new friends?"

"I already told you I don't wanna know them! I only knocked because you said I'll see you if I knock!"

"Well, you see me now, don't you? And you're already inside, might as well get to know them better. You already know their names."

"No! I will not get my heart broken again by having another friend!"

Touya and Hitoshi looked at each other and nodded.


Toga stopped punching and looked back at the one who called her name.

"I was abused by my father and I ran away. Meian saved me and took care of me." Touya explained. Toga blinked.

"Many people say I have a villainous quirk... My parents and my classmates at school say that too. I never had any friends to talk to until I decided to run away. Meian took me in the very same night and now, I have him and Touya with me. They never did think my quirk was villainous." Hitoshi smiled.

Toga blinked again, confused. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because, Toga-chan," Meian stood up. "It's their way of saying that they won't leave you, nor would they judge you on certain conditions. They know I'll only invite someone whom I trust to know them." He explained.

Toga looked at the three people and smiled softly. "People get scared of me because of my quirk. I guess it's only fair if you know it. I turn into the person whom I drink blood from. If I drink your blood, I can turn into you and have your voice and clothes too. Because of my quirk, I umm... I like seeing bloody things... I also get the urge to drink blood if I see them so... yeah. I hope you don't change the way you think of me..."

"Of course not! Sure it's kinda scary to think about, but it doesn't change a thing! Right, Touya?" Hitoshi asked, grinning.


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