Chapter 56 - Rescue

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Izuku, now dressed as Meian, sneaked in where that rude staff said the lion was resting. What he saw made him want to rage.

The lion is not resting like that staff had said. It was being kicked around, doesn't even have a place to rest, and from what he saw, very malnourished.

'Oh my god... I'm so glad I'm here. Someone has to save that lio-' as the staff cleared from his view, he could see another lion. A female lion inside a cage. That cub keeps returning there because of that lioness. 'Wow. How cruel can humans be? I have to save both of them.'

Meian knew he had to be careful. These are lions that had been treated poorly by humans. He is a human, which means, they will see him as an enemy.

He'll have to pay respect to these animals and make sure they know that he's there to save them. Not hurt them.

'Okay, looks like all the staff are gone to a meeting... I can do this.' He took a deep breath and unmasked himself, revealing his head. He tiptoed to the lions, but made sure they knew he was coming.

Once he was close enough, the cub growled. He took a step back, then bowed to show respect. They aren't called the king of the jungle for nothing.

The cub stopped growling. He took that as a good sign. "Hey, my name is Izuku. You don't have to be wary of me. I'm here to save you. Both of you."

"How do we know we can trust you?" The cub asked.

"I don't live among humans. I'll let you smell my scent. I live in a forest, you see. I am hoping you'll let me take you there to be your new home."

The cub took a sniff of Izuku's scent. "You smell like trees... mom, what do you think? Should we trust him?" He looked towards the lioness.

"It is up to you, my son. You have the instincts of a king. Use them."

'Oh man... the lioness seems so weak...' Izuku looked at the lioness sadly. "I'll get both of you to safety."

"Human, if your intention is to save us, save my son only. You can leave me here. I'll only slow you down."

"What?! Mom! No... I still need you..." The cub nuzzles his mother.

"I won't leave you here. You also deserve to be saved."

"I am in a cage. How can you possibly get me out without the key?"

Izuku didn't waste any time picking the lock, opening the cage. "Like that. Now come on. Let's get you both out of here before they come back."

The lioness stood up slowly. Izuku figured she hadn't gone out of that cage for some time. He helped her walk to a dark alley, the cub following close.

"I told you... I'm only slowing you down... just leave me-"

"No, I won't leave you. But you're right. At this pace, they could easily capture you back. We'll have to wait till sunset, so there won't be as many humans out." Izuku looked around, spotting some food for the lions. "Both of you stay hidden here. I'm going to get you food."

With the staff still in the meeting, it was easy for Izuku to get the food for the lions.

"Here, eat it. You'll regain your energy a bit. It's not much, but when we get to the forest, you'll get a proper meal." Izuku gave them the meat he took.

"Thank you." The lioness smiled.

Izuku sat down next to them, leaving them to eat their meal. Meanwhile he informs Everest to get a place for two lions ready. 'Everest, I'm currently saving two lions. Can you search for a place in the forest for them to live?'

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