Chapter 65 - Sun And Moon

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A few days have passed since then. Izuku was once again in the Hakuna Gereza Pride. He was talking with Morana while the others were playing.

"Morana, you said something is gonna happen in autumn. Well, it's already autumn."

"I've always trusted my gut feelings. It has proven to be right before and when I was in captivity. Maybe it has reached its limits?"

"I doubt it. I don't think gut feelings have limits, do they?"

They continued their talk, until Angga suddenly showed up. "Izuku, Kion and the others found two lions. They're kinda heading this way, but I don't think they know it themselves. One is a male and the other is a female."

"Oh, wow. Thank you for the warning, Angga. Guess your gut feeling isn't wrong after all, Morana."

"We either get two enemies or two more members to add to the pride. I'd really rather the latter, but there's gonna be a fight either way." Morana informed.

"Angga, can you call Dexter, Nayla, and Snow, please?" Izuku asked.

"On it."

"Why do you think so, Mora?"

"Usually, the outsiders want to test the king. If he's worthy or not, that kind of thing."

"Oh, okay. I get it. I'll go see if I can talk to them first. You can tell the others about their arrival." Izuku went ahead to see the mentioned lions.

He saw them from a distance, casually walking towards his pride. When he got into their field of view, they quickly got into a fighting stance.

"Woah, no need for that. I'm just here to talk. I am not a threat." Izuku quickly assured them.

"Who are you?" The female tilted her head.

"My name is Izuku. What's yours?"

"Hikari. This is my brother, Yoru."

Izuku looked at the male lion. 'He seems very sleepy and tired. Hikari doesn't seem to be well as well...'

"He's more active at night. Trust me, you don't wanna mess with him."

"Can I ask what you were doing?"

"We're just strolling around. We're not in any pride, just so you know."

"Oh, you were actually heading to the Hakuna Gereza Pride. Would you like to join us?"

"What? No. We literally left ours to have some freedom. We're not just gonna go in another rule filled pride."

"Funny you say that to a pride that means 'no prison'. We're free to do anything as long as we respect each other."

"That sounds like a dream pride. A pride like that doesn't exist."

Izuku giggled. "You may think so, but I'm a member of that nonexistent pride. If you come with me, you can see for yourself."


Hikari and Yoru followed Izuku to the Hakuna Gereza Pride. They were already waiting for their arrival.

"Hi! Are you gonna join our pride?" Dexter greeted them."

"Are you the king? You don't look very kingly." Hikari judged.

Dexter chuckled awkwardly, "I'm still a bit new to this. Nice to meet you. I'm Dexter."

"Hikari. And just so you know, we don't want to join any pride."

"Hika... are we in a good place to rest?" Yoru nudged his sister.

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